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It was a beautiful day.

It seemed that things do get better when the sun rises.

The sun shone brightly, highlighting the blue sky that was clear of any rolling clouds. The grass swayed lightly in the breeze, somehow greener than before. It was like the universe was trying to make up for the utter hell that transpired before the sun rose.

Unfortunately it didn't work.

The landscape was smeared with blood, the blood of the bodies that lay lifeless on the ground. The sky was tainted with smoke, the air brought the smell of death and with it was the silence. The silence of the dead resounded in his head as he stared up into the sky, waiting to die.

How pathetic, he couldn't even muster the strength to finish himself off.

Samuel had always known he would die young, maybe in battle someday, or some torrid assassination attempt because it was his duty as a knight and as the King's youngest son. Then his brothers and his people fell, one by one they died by the man he called father. He could've stopped it all if he wasn't so stupid.

He could've stopped the senseless massacre, the rebellion, the casualties if he had only killed the King sooner. If he wasn't so blind, so damn stupid he could have prevented this is all.

"I sense great sorrow and anger in you, my lord." An old crone. A witch.

She sat next to him, heedless of the blood that seeped through her skirt as she hummed a short tuneless song.

"Look at this disgusting sight!" She cried unhappily, gesturing to the bloodied fields. "Such a waste of life."

"Humans, are such pathetic creatures." She looked down on him with a disquieting glint in her eyes. The witch was planning on something but he couldn't even muster the strength to blink much less move away. "I can help prevent all of this happening if you are willing my lord."

"I can give you a second chance. A chance to do things all over again, prevent all this tragedy and all you have to do is to give me a little something..."

He couldn't have refused even if he could've moved.

A second chance...

The instant the spell was cast, Samuel felt really strange. His stomach felt like it was doing somersaults while his senses were going crazy. He was seeing colors he had no name for, hearing noises that didn't seem real, and he was certain at one point that he started seeing sounds and hearing colors instead. It was like being tossed through a strange hurricane that kept twisting him into knots and swirling everything together. Gravity, physics, and logic were gone. He wasn't even certain that he physically existed anymore as he was drowning in a sea of chaos.

Then he awoke.

He sat up immediately and tried to catch his breath. For the life of him, he couldn't remember the last thing he was doing. The last thing he remembered was planning the battle strategies to storm the castle so why was he... why was he in his old room in the castle?

Impossibly, he was in his old room with everything in its proper place. It was like a painfully vivid memory of better days. It tore his heart open all over again, is this truly hell?

He must be dreaming...

Then the door slammed open and the visage of his worst nightmare stepped in his room.

"Samuel! I heard from your brother that you are unwell, that is simply terrible! But don't worry, your father is here! This sickness of yours would pass in no time!" The cheery voice exclaimed with the intent of uplifting Samuel's spirit but only succeeded in making it worse.

Time seemed to freeze. Samuel didn't seem inclined to move for his feet felt as if it was frozen to the floor.

He was consumed with hate, so pure and raw that he barely caught himself from drawing his swords and slitting the man's bejewelled neck. He didn't know what to think, still confused about his existence in this dream (nightmare?) and his own emotional battle began with a vengeance.

Here was the man who had raised him. His father, king and mentor all rolled into one; the man who he trusted more than anyone in the universe, and the man who he had hated the most for a betrayal that cost Samuel everything.

He reached out his hand, grasping the hilt of his blades tightly, his stance defensive.

Looking into those grey eyes, he couldn't help but recall incident after incident involving this man in a matter of moments. Once upon a time, Samuel would've given his life if it meant saving his, but he could also remember the thrill of finally cornering him; the great and powerful King of Divina—his own father—dying by his hand, finally exacting his revenge.

This man was the one who had raised and guided him, but had also taken his lover and his family. This man was the one who had betrayed him, who had caused him his greatest pain.

And this was the man who had killed Lara.

"Samuel, dear boy, is something the matter?" the monster asked with (fake) fatherly concern.

Samuel scowled in disgust which just added worry on the beast's face.

"Samuel?" Concern and worry. Huh, as if the beast could even feel. But Samuel was forced to admit, albeit grudgingly, that the monster was a good actor; a lesser man would've been fooled but Samuel knew better. This... this creature is nothing more than a grotesque demon in the shape of a man.

"Die." Samuel spat venomously. His pale green eyes burning with hate while the other's grey eyes widened in surprise. Then before he could even utter a sound Samuel's razor sharp steel blades cut through his neck, showering blood all over himself and severing the head of the King of Divina—his father—ending his pitiful life and successfully enacting his retribution.

Silence greeted his action before the sound of clattering metal and shattered glass reached his ears.

He was met with the sight of his brothers Jacob and Aaron. Both looking at him in disbelief and horror. Well, that won't do, Samuel thinks happily, smiling up to them in relief only to be met with mutual looks of fear and concern.

"We're saved! Why are you looking at me like that?" Samuel says, confusion coloring his voice, his normally bright and clear pale green eyes were glassy and fragmented with mania.

"Samuel..." Jacob whispered out in horror. "What have you done?!"


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