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Yoongi was still nervous after texting Jungkook but he felt a little better. Despite how he felt he still got ready and drove over to the studio they were meeting at.

Yoongi was a little early so he decided to look around. He didn't touch anything, afraid that it would break. It was extremely quiet besides Yoongi's quiet footsteps nothing else could be heard.

Minutes passed and Yoongi checked his phone for the time. 8:59 am. Jungkook should arrive soon. Yoongi decided to text Jungkook while he was waiting for Jungkook. ( heh )

Sent at 9:00 am
Jungkooksbabe: this room is so quiet... He's not here yet. I got here a little too early.

Sent at 9:03 am
Yoongiskookie: he should be there anytime now, don't worry. I gtg good luck babe ;)))

Sent at 9:03 am
Jungkooksbabe: Okay thanks kooks :)

Yoongi just played on his phone until the door opened and Yoongi's head shot up. Jungkook walked in and closed the door.

Jungkook was wearing all black and a mask to cover most of his face. He took the mask off and smiled at Yoongi.

"Sorry I'm late. I didn't mean to keep you waiting long." Jungkook bowed and Yoongi followed. "Its alright. I don't mind." Yoongi said as they both sat down.

"I'm Jeon Jungkook, and you are?" Jungkook asked. "I'm Min Yoongi. Nice to meet you." Yoongi gave his best smile.

"So I heard your really good at writing songs and for my next comeback I want to release a really good song. I'm pretty sure you can help me with that." Jungkook smiled and Yoongi nodded.

"I don't think I'm anything special but I'm good at what I do, I guess." Yoongi mumbled and Jungkook chuckled. "I'm sure your perfect Yoongi. Thanks for coming to my concert by the way." Jungkook winked and Yoongi tried his best not to die.

"No problem." Yoongi smiled. Jungkook was on his phone for a good minute and then Yoongi's went off.

"Do you want me to turn off my phone?" Yoongi asked holding up his phone. "No, no, no. You should answer." Jungkook smiled and Yoongi nodded.

Sent at 9:17 am
Yoongiskookie: how's it going babe???

Sent at 9:19 am
Jungkooksbabe: he winked at me... I'm currently trying not to die but other than that everything is great.

After Yoongi sent the message Jungkook's phone went off. Yoongi raised an eyebrow. Maybe a coincidence.

Sent at 9:20 am
Yoongiskookie: ha ur so cute. Text me later how it all went! Bye babe

Sent at 9:21 am
Jungkooksbabe: I will, bye kooks ;)

Yoongi put his phone away and Jungkook did the same. The two talked to each other for awhile and then started a song.

"Do you think that's good?" Jungkook asked after he finished singing the part they created. "It was amazing." Yoongi smiled.

Jungkook's phone went off and he quickly answered the call. "Yes, I will be back as soon as possible." Jungkook said into the device. "Now? But I just got star—" Jungkook seemed to be cut off.

"Fine. Yes, I'm walking out right now. Bye." Jungkook hung up and put his phone away. "I have to go Yoogs. See you tomorrow? Is that good for you?" Jungkook asked but Yoongi stopped hearing things after the nickname.

"Yoogs?" Yoongi asked his mind going to Jungkook, his friend. "Oh I'm sorry. If you don't like it I won't call you that." Jungkook said and Yoongi smiled.

"No its fine, its just that my friend he calls me that. But he also calls me babe so I guess it doesn't matter." Yoongi said and Jungkook chuckled. "That's cute. Well then I see you tomorrow?" Jungkook asked and Yoongi nodded.

"See you tomorrow." Yoongi smiled. Jungkook surprised Yoongi by pulling him into a hug.

"Bye Yoogs." Jungkook smiled and left. "Bye!" Yoongi called out and heard a faint chuckle.

Sent at 11:43 pm
Yoongiskookie: Yoogs I really like you. Would you mind if we tried dating?

a/n: ha ha ha....... dating?????? ha ha ha

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