#2~Movie Night~

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Also another old one, but I gotta be more active.

Lukas sat on the couch of his home, switching from channel to channel on his TV. He felt tired, and kept looking around the room at things. He occasionally got out a book and read, but only read about two pages before putting it away. He let out a sigh every now and then, messing with his hair randomly.

In short, Lukas was bored.

Not the kind of bored where he could just go to bed or listen to some music, but the kind that made him feel like there was literally nothing in the world for him to do.
But, that's when he got an idea. Why not call someone to come over? He thought, and gave himself a mental high-five. Sometimes he just amazes himself. He grabbed his phone and searched through his contacts.
First, he tried Emil. He didn't pick up. Then he tried his fellow magic users, Arthur and Vladimir. They didn't pick up either. He tried Tino. He picked up, but sadly, said he couldn't do anything and had to go. He sounded like he had his hands full. Lukas then tried Berwald, and when the Swede didn't pick up, he had a hunch that he was with Tino. Lukas sighed. He didn't really have a close enough relationship with any of the other people who attended his high school, which narrowed him down to one option-


Lukas groaned. He didn't exactly hate Mathias, in fact, the Dane might even cure Lukas's boredom. But it's what Mathias does and might do that makes Lukas reluctant.
Mathias is a constant flirt, and it didn't help that he was incredibly hot and good looking. And, to Lukas's misfortune, the flirting had made a huge impact on his feelings. Lukas was in love, and didn't even try to deny it. His mind just wouldn't allow him to show it.
Lukas sighed, clicking on the contact. He hit call, bringing the phone up to his ear. A few moments later, a loud "Hello!" greeted Lukas. Lukas brought the phone away from his ear and cringed, then gulped. How was he supposed to do this?
He bought up his courage and spoke. "W-Well...you see, I'm k-kind of....bored...and....I wanted to know if you'd to come over?" Lukas mentally slapped himself. HARD. That sounded absolutely horrible.
He heard a gasp."REALLY?!" Mathias practically shouted into the phone. Lukas nodded, then realizing Mathias couldn't see him, said "Yeah." There was a *cough* very manly *cough* squeal on the other end of the phone, and Mathias said, "SURE! I'll be over in five!" he hung up. Lukas sighed.
He'd better not regret this.

**~~--*Time skip to later*--~~**

Lukas and Mathias sat on the couch, focusing on the TV, which was playing a movie this kid from high school, Alfred Jones, had lent Lukas a while back. It was called Saw, and Lukas was beginning to regret ever letting Mathias choose a movie. Poor Lukas jumped, squealed, and shrank back every five minutes of the movie, and Mathias was finding it extremely cute and funny. Lukas had been trying very hard the whole time to not go near Mathias, but he just couldn't anymore. Lukas curled up under Mathias's arm with a squeal, a particularly scary scream coming from the movie. Mathias chuckled, wrapping his arm around the shaking Norwegian. He looked down at him."Do you wanna stop watching?" he asked, met immediately with rapid nods. Mathias turned the movie off, moving his surprisingly small friend to where the Norwegian was now sitting on his lap. Lukas was too shaken up to protest, and just curled up into Mathias.
They sat like that for a while, until Lukas felt something warm press to his forehead.

Mathias had just kissed his forehead.
Lukas felt his face heat up like a light. This wasn't that big of a deal, but... Mathias had always flirted, and said and acted like he was going to kiss Lukas in some way, but had never actually done it. Never. This sent many mixed emotions into Lukas. Mathias spoke suddenly."Lukas...I'm glad you invited me over...you've never really done that before...you seem like you don't want me near you most of the time...this was pretty fun." he said softly. Lukas really DIDN'T invite Mathias over. In fact, he can't name one time he'd ever invited the Dane over, though there may have been a couple of times. Then he remembered all the small kicks, punches, chokes, and magic that Lukas had sent on Mathias before. This really depressed him...and Lukas wanted to set things straight. He didn't want Denmark to think that Lukas didn't like him, or maybe even hate him. He knew Mathias might. So, without thinking, Lukas shifted to where he was sitting on Mathias's lap and faced him instead of being curled up. He stared at the Dane for a while. Mathias gave him a curious look, but didn't have time to say anything, because soft lips were quickly pressed to his own. Mathias sat, stunned.

Lukas was kissing him.

Lukas wrapped his arms around Mathias's neck, and after said person realized what was happening, he kissed back, wrapping his own arms around Lukas's waist.
They put all the love they had for each other into that first kiss, and what Lukas planned to just be a movie night, turned into their favorite memory.


Rushed oneshot. Yaaaaaay. Whatever, I'll do better on the next one rip

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2017 ⏰

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