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Hi there! I'm Viktor Nikiforov, age 27 and I've been playing the violin since I was about 6 or 7. At first it was just a small hobby of mine, but when a friend of mine posted a video of me playing on our school's website, it went viral.

Soo many people even found my old music studio that I practiced at. And because of that, I even started to go to big competitions, unlike the small town recitals my teacher would invite me to. Since then I started to post my stuff online and basically made a name for myself.

And now I'm here. Walking along Hasetsu, Japan's streets, trying to reach the town hall to register for my 5th OSAKA International Music Competition in about two months. I'm a 4 Time Champ and don't plan on stopping my streak anytime soon.

As I skipped along the sidewalk, I faintly heard a piano playing somewhere and I decided to look around to find this genius who's playing. As I was about to turn the corner where it was coming from, my phone vibrated, signaling I got a text. I looked at it as I see my accompanist, Yuri Plisetsky, had gotten his plane delayed. "Well damnit. What am I supposed to do-" I was snapped back into reality when a faint voice stared singing. I peeked around the corner and, I'd be lying if I didn't see the most beautiful person in the whole world.

This man was beautiful. He has this nerdy-vibe because of his dorky blue glasses, and he looks the type to be smart, with or without glasses.

"Hi there!" I chimed. He jumped in his seat, slamming his hands on the grand piano infront of him, maling the keys go haywire. I lookedat the kid before me. He doesn't look like he's 15 or something like that, but he looks like he's in his early twenties. No younger than 22.


And that's it for the prolouge~
I'm just happy rn cuz music is life and the fact that I made this on my birthday. So. Yeah. Hope you enjoy this~

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