Chapter 3: Unknown Presence.

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Rin's POV

"What did you say to Bon?" I dabbed a cotton ball into some rubbing alcohol and lightly dabbed it onto the open wound on his forehead.

"I only wanted to apologize. After all, we did get off to a bad start..." (Y/n) sighed, "I guess he must've taken it the wrong way."

"Who takes an apology the wrong way?"

"Well... I guess he thought that I pitied him..."

"Do you?" I took the bandages and wrapped it around his injured head.

"Of course I don't. Everyone's got a goal in life, you wanna become a paladin. I wanna be the one who protects everyone from certain death.."

"So you wanna be everyone's hero?"

"Sure, I mean. Why not?" He smiled, "But at the same time, I'll be here supporting you through thick and thin."

"Supporting me huh..?" I paused and immediately thought about my old man.

"Rin?" He looked at me worriedly, "Did I say something... wrong?"

"N-No. I was just thinking about some stuff." I laughed nervously and finished with bandaging his wound, then he got up off my bed and stood up but began to wobble a bit, "Are you... okay?"

"I'm fine." He said as he smiled, "I just feel a little dizzy is all..." He looked like he was having trouble walking then collapsed halfway to the doorway.

"(Y-Y/n)...?" I got up and carried him by the arm, "Maybe... You just need to lie down..."

"My head feels like it's gonna explode..." He mumbled, "Geez... Ryuji is pretty strong..."

"He can't be that strong..."

Even though his room was right next to ours, I brought him to my bed.

"Just rest here and I'll go get some painkillers." I ran out, "I won't take long!!"

(Y/n)'s POV

Why does my head hurt this much? Normally it wouldn't bother me... I've been through harsher things than this, so why is it hurting so much? I unstrapped the two katana and set it against the desk. Deciding it was better to take Rin's advice, I laid flat on his bed and shut my eyes.


I immediately sat up, but couldn't exactly stay still because of the beating pain, "Who's there?"

I hope you're enjoying this little gift from your father...

"My father? My old man couldn't possibly do something like this..." The beating pain felt like it had gotten more worse.

Oh my~ Looks like he hasn't told you...

"W-What are you talking about?" The more I spoke, the more the pain worsened but this time, there was an extreme burning sensation on my right arm. It appeared as if black tattoos were slowly forming.

You'll find out soon... your excellency~

Then everything went black.

I couldn't hear a thing.

I couldn't see a thing.

This darkness made me feel lonely and sad again.

It made me feel useless, frightened, undesirable...

All these mixed emotions were all too familiar. Then a little boy appeared.

"I-I'm sorry I was born like this...." He cried.

He looked a little like me when I was young.

"P-Please don't cry..." A woman's voice echoed.

As she appeared, I saw myself in an old but dusty shrine, along with the child.

She appeared to be comforting the child.

"How about you go and pay a visit to your little friends?" She said, "I'm sure they miss you."

"T-They do..?" The boy wiped his tears and smiled, "Okay!"

And with that, the boy ran out of the shrine. But the woman cried.

"Why is she crying..?" I was confused.

"I'm sorry...." She said before closing the doors and locking it.

After this, everything returned to black.

Rin's POV

"Are you finished yet?" Yukio asked as I frantically wrote down answers.

"YES I'M DONE!!!" I ran to him and slammed the papers onto the pedestal and rushed as quickly as I could back to the dormitory then checked my watch, "5:00?!!! OH NO!!"

I was out of breath when I arrived back with the painkillers, only to find (Y/n) lying on the floor, motionless.

Then a groan came from him.

So I rushed over and helped him back onto the bed, "I'm so sorry I took so long..."

"D-Don't worry about it..." He stuttered and rubbed his forehead.

"Does your head still hurt?"

"My head? It doesn't hurt anymore but it might soon." He stood up and took his two katana then headed back to his room so I followed.

"I'll leave the painkillers on the dresser in case you need them, okay?" I set the bottles on the nightstand, next to his bed.

"Thanks..." He smiled.

"No problem, just get some rest, okay?" I smiled and closed the door behind.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine by tomorrow morning."

"Good... I hope so.." I went back to my room and sat in my bed.

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