Conversation 2

19 2 0

Bbangjoo: yo, what's cooking good looking?

 Bambam1a: didn't you say I am boring?

Bbangjoo: yeah, but I am hungry

Bbangjoo: and I want to eat you

Bambam1a: wtf, creep

Bbangjoo: no, sexy and hungry creep

Bambam1a: if you say so...

Bambam1a: why are you messaging me?

Bbangjoo: told you, I am hungry

Bambam1a: go and eat then?

Bbangjoo: too lazy for this shit...

Bambam1a: then stay hungry

Bbangjoo: come and feed me

Bambam1a: what? Are you crazy? Do you even see what time it is?

Bbangjoo: yea, and?

Bambam1a: my roommate will kill me if I get up and do anything

Bbangjoo: uh lame

Bbangjoo: bye\

Bambam1a: wait, what?


Bambam was looking confused at the screen of his phone. Did just that random guy, with whom he was chatting asked him to go to his home and feed him? And that he wanted to eat him?? What the hell was this guy, a perverted cannibal?

 Kinpimook sighed tirely and left the phone. He looked at Yugyeoms bed, where the younger boy was sweeping and smiled. Even if the boy didn't show it, he had something for the maknae and every time he was around him his heart skipped a beat. Bambam was feeling a desperate need to defend this little bean from everyone and everything

The elder one smiled and got up, going to his friends bed, after that he sat at the end of it and just watched the beautiful face, that was sleeping peacefully. He wanted to kiss him, but he didn't. Bambi stretched for the last time and laid on Yugyeoms bed, hugging him. He felt asleep after a couple of minutes.

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