Midnight Train

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        My grandma use to tell me stories of her childhood in Grey Pines.Of her family and friends,the good and the bad.The floods,the storms...the ghosts.
She was convinced she had some sort of gift that made ghosts follow her;where she was the only one to help them.She'd tell me detailed stories of her adventures and heroism;of course I believed them- I was only seven.Now that I'm twenty...I'm not so sure anymore.I wanna believe that she wasn't just crazy,I was the only one who believed her besides grandpa.When he passed though,I was all she had.I still remember her telling me to "look beyond the reality."
Thirteen years later and I still have no idea what that means.When she passed I was even more lost.Its like..wondering through unfamiliar woods--with no compass...blind.
I smile to myself but it soon fades.I stare out the window and watch as trees rush by.Dead,naked trees.Bare to the world once again.Shedding their being of beauty.Autumn is here once again...I've been away for what seems like a century. I wonder how my friends are,if anythings changed?

            1:16 a.m -Redwood Station :
I stepped off the train and onto the platform;backpack in hand and my phone in the other.It was completely dark and I was the only one to get off at this stop.No one ever really visits Grey Pines...it's not so popular,we're barley on the map.
I fling my bag over my shoulder;slipping my arms through the holes,and make my way into the station.The lights were dim and I couldn't see anyone else here.The buzz and flickering from the vending machines echoed down the hall."Geez...Hello?!"I called down.No answer."Spooky..."I muttered to myself.
I put my hands in my pockets and walked to the front of the entrance out of the station."What're you doin here boy-it's late."A raspy voice called from behind me.It startled me and I dropped my phone,"Damnit."I bent over to pick it up and when I look up a pair of piercing eyes are starring at me.
   "What're you doin' out here so late,you a drifter?A nut job? Or a robber?"An old man leaned down and revealed his pale wrinkly face in the light.I didn't know how to respond so just  I held my bag tightly to my side."Well,what's your business stranger?"He scratched his head.
"Well,I uh...I-I'm..."I gulped so loud I'm afraid he heard me.He can probably smell fear."I'm Eugene Nortan,I live here...well I use to I guess.I was away but I'm back now.M-my parents were suppose to be here to pick me up."
"Is that so,ahh welp,at least you ain't no robber.You best get home now,dangerous for a scrawny kid like yourself to be alone out."He walked away and I quickly followed him."Um I'm really sorry to bother you sir,but how do I...get out of here."I pulled my hoodie sleeves over my hands."I thought you lived here?"He grabbed a mop from the bucket and started ringing it out."I do!I do...I just haven't ever really been out of Grey Pines and this is the first time getting to be here at the train station."I chuckled awkwardly.
"Out that door over there then keep going down the street till you reach the abandoned docks.Im sure you can find your way back from there."He tipped his hat to me and went back to his work."Thank you sir!"I called as I pushed open the door and felt the cool air hit my face.' Ok ok,now I just need to find the old docks.'

I can't believe I came back here.I just hope mom doesn't freak out.I wonder if they already turned my room into a gym or some shit.I chuckled softly to myself and stopped walking once I reached the familiar gloomy docks.Its all just one big boat burial ground now.Everyone stopped going fishing,and swimming.When this town was first formed,this lake was the only entertainment they had I guess.We've gotten more stuff around town since I was last here and everyone stopped coming.I guess that's what you get from a small town out in the middle of no where.
      "Oh geez,what time is it?"I pulled out my phone and unlocked the screen,'2:10'.I sigh and turn on the flashlight from my phone."I can stay on the main road ooor..."I turn to the big fence leading to the woods."The woods is faster to get to my house.Hmm,the woods it is then."I smiled to myself and put my backpack all the way on and secured my beanie in place on my head.
"Haven't climbed you in a while."I stuff my phone in my jackets pocket and grab the fence through its holes."Hhuhg agh."I pull myself up with my foot on the side of the pole and push upwards."This ahg..huff...seemed a lot more easier when I was Kid.."I wheezed.I took a risk and leaped up and quickly grabbed the top pole of the fence and pulled myself up.I swung one leg over and then the other while carefully perching my self on top.
   "Huff  huff...ugh.Damn I really need to get in shape."I carefully drop down and pull my phone out of my pocket."God I've missed these woods."I start walking and reminisce over the scenery.After walking for a few minutes  I come across a tall oak tree,I remember Joey and I use to race to the top.Id always chicken out half way but he'd always show off and go to the very top.One time it was raining but we were still out here.He was almost at the top...then he slipped and broke his leg.His mom was really mad at me for bringing him out there with me.We were both kids but he was three years younger than me...I wish I would've looked out for him better.God I miss that kid.His family moved once people started losing their jobs.I think I was...ten at the time?I don't really remember all that well anymore.
I walked past the pond where Monty and I would sit and throw rocks,usually at each other.I was a pretty weird kid.I hope he hasn't forgotten me already.I pass an old sign covers in vines.I should be only a few minutes away from the town center.
"Phew,thank god!Im so tired of walking.I don't wanna walk again ever.Just drag me around by my arm."I was ecstatic when I pushed past a bush and saw the town only a few feet away.I came out by the 'Ol Pic-Ax' a small business my friends dad owns.I wonder how Marcel's doing these days.I miss him too,me,Monty and him were like the three musketeers growing up.
       I practically ran down the sidewalk till I reached the housing district.Old houses from the beginning of this town still stand.Some renovated but you can still see the history of each house.
I reached a small three story,blue house with flowers in the yard and a tire swing still clinging to the tree."Finally,I made it home."I ran up the steps and went to the door,grabbing the key hidden under a potted plant.
     I quietly opened the door and shut it behind me.It smelled just like I remembered it.Nothing really changed here except instead of the heavy cubed t.v is now a flat screen.I set my back pack on the couch and walked around down stairs looking for my parents.
   "Guess they're asleep.Boy will they be surprised tomorrow morning.I can't believe they forgot me though..."I whispered and scratched my head,running  my fingers through my hair as I pass a hallway mirror.My hair was starting to get a bit long.Usually I shave the sides and the back of it but I've gotten lazy with it since I left.Hmm.."garllgh" I patted my tummy."I haven't eaten in forever,I'm starving."I go into the kitchen.By forever I mean four hours ago...I open the fridge and take out ingredients to make myself a sandwich.I grab the bread from the counter and prepare my poor stomach a meal.Maybe tomorrow I'll go see about finding my friends and going to get pizza from the diner.

    I finish making the sandwich and turn to go sit down.As soon as I was about to take a bit out of it...'click' the lights goes on."Aaaaaaaggg!!"I jump and drop my sand which.My Dad was in his boxers and a robe with a baseball bat waving it in the air."Gene?"My dad lowers the bat and rubs his eye."Hi dad...uh you didn't come to play baseball with me did you?"I laugh nervously and scratch behind my head.
     He lays the bat on the kitchen table and hugs me."Son,what're you doing here?"He pushed back to look at me."I told you I was coming,you and Mom didn't get me so I had to walk home."I shrugged."We thought it was tomorrow.You should've called,we could've gotten you."He stepped back."I didn't wanna wake you guys...I guess that went well huh.Nice robe."I chuckled and leaned against the table.He laughed too and ran his hand over his head."Ah well,I'll tell your mom you're here before I leave for work.I gotta get up early so I'll be going back to bed.Night Gene."He smiled and trudged back to the stairs."Night Dad."I called after him."Oh and clean up that sandwich!"He whisper yelled at the top of the stairs.
      I look down at the floor,"Aw maaan." I nearly cry over my food.I pick it up and go to the back door."You'll be missed." I say as I throw it outside for the animals.Im to tired to make another one,I guess I'll wait till morning.
       I go up both stairs till I reach the attic.My old bedroom,it still has all of my posters and photos.Its small but it's quiet and away from everyone.I turn off the lights; I notice a cord on the floor by an outfit and plug it in."Aww sweet I forgot I had these."I say as white Christmas lights light up on my ceiling and around the boarder of the big window.I take off my jacket and flop down on my bed."Ahhh yeeeah,I've missed you friend."I burry my head in my worn out pillow and push off my doc Martens with each foot.I finally get to relax for the first time in a long time and that night I had the best sleep since I was gone.And tomorrow I get to go find my old friends...I'm so glad to be back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2017 ⏰

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