The experiment...

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........... "huh?" I ask siting up in my bed. I looked outside. I saw the farm. All the animals were gone Though. "Max!" My mom yelled. "Come on!" "Coming mom!" I yelled down the stairs. I went down the stairs. "Come on we have to go. The government told us all to go to the capital and into a bunker." She said. "Why?" I asked her. "I don't know." She said......

We arrived at the government's bunker. There was a wierd machine. A chicken was on it there was a tube leading to a wierd leather body. *ZAP!* the chicken fell. The leather body standing up but no longer leather now with fur and real eyes. "Eevee!" It said. "Hmmm." Said the government leader. Looks like we are one animal short." He grabbed me threw me onto the machine. "Stop!" Yelled my mom. *ZAP!* everything went black.

Experiment (a Pokémon story)Where stories live. Discover now