Someone New

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"It's nice to meet you. Your mother has spoken very highly of you." His mood and expression seem to have done a full 180. He's charming, uncomfortably charming. Like his life has been rehearsed. But I can't say anything against it, because I live my life the same way. Sometimes by choice, sometimes by obligation. He has pressure on him, whether he inflicts it himself, or he just follows the guidelines to keep daddy happy. But I understand, and I think he's realized that just as quickly as I did. Only, he's a lot better at playing pretend and a lot less awkward than I am. So naturally, I start my next phrase with a stutter and voice crack,

"This is ah, um... " Before I can induce anymore embarrassment, my hand falls as I point to Remy. His hand replaces mine in Brody's.

"Remy Whittier. Nice to meet you." They shake hands.

"Boyfriend?" Brody raises his eyebrows. Remy laughs and throws his arm around my shoulder mostly lovingly, but mildly aggressively.

"Guilty as charged." My expression doesn't falter. The same thing happens every time my mother brings home a "suitor". I agree to her list trials as long as Remy can come, and at every introduction, without fail the boy assumes Remy's my boyfriend and he wholeheartedly agrees, then my mother slaps his arm and corrects him, annoyed. You'd think she would've given up after the 17th guy, but here we are. Number 18, and we're already off to a fantastic start.

"Why don't we all take our seats, hmm?" My mother chirps. I flinch at her quirky manner. No matter how happy she sounds, she's never actually happy. She's obsessive. It's made her a real go getter in her life and we live not so modestly because of it. But dear old dad didn't find comfort in that and left when I was 11. I haven't seen him since. So now my mom is hellbent on finding me the perfect boy. It is completely ass-backward. But I accept everything. Her criticism, her men, her neglect. She controls my life. My music, college, my brother. So I try to keep her happy. I try.

As I make my way to my seat, Remy pulls out my chair, "Where's Carson, Mother?" She doesn't even bother to look at me as she lays her napkin over her lap.

"He'll not be joining us tonight." She says very dismissively, so I drop the subject. As per usual, our chef, Emilio, has created an array of delicacies, most of which I cannot pronounce. I've grown tired of rich foods and what they symbolize. I'd give a lot to eat a pizza. Through the course of the meal, Harrison drowns on about the accomplishments of his pride and joy, dear Brody. I'm absentmindedly twirling a noodle around my fork when I feel a light kick to my shin. I startle and look up, only to see Brody suppress a small laugh. He mouths something, but I stare at him blankly, and shake my head. He sighs, but giggles a bit. He mouths again, and I realize that he's saying numbers. Then he mouths, "Phone" I slip my phone out of my dress pocket and look up at him expectantly. He mouths his number one more time and I type it in.

Abielle: Um what's up?

Brody: do you wanna die as much as I want to right now?

I gently place my hand over my mouth to suppress my laughter.

Abielle: I've gotten very good at pretending I care at these dinners.

Brody: so you are used to this kind of bland blind date shit? I had a feeling

Abielle: Did my bright smile and loud personality give it away? Shoot

I see him chuckle.

Brody: Sorry about my dad

Abielle: Sorry about my mom

Brody: You do know she's terrifying right?

Abielle: all my life.

Another laugh.

Brody: But for real, you know that baseball trophy he raved about

Abielle: Yeah?

Brody: i got that in fourth grade.

I couldn't stiffle my laugh well enough this time.

"Is something funny Abielle?"

"No, sorry mother." I blush, but see Brody smirking at me, and can't help but smile.

The rest of the dinner goes about as terribly as I expected it to, and by the end, I'm exhausted, utterly exhausted. We stand and all head to the lounge.

"Oh, Adelaide, you mentioned an astounding wine collection earlier." Harrison says expectantly. My mother perks up.

"So I did. Shall we?" Harrison beams and he and my mother head toward the cellar, but she makes sure to snap her head over her shoulder and scold me without even saying anything. Don't mess this up. I laugh nervously. But then we all sigh in relief, only to end up laughing again.

"Yikes." Brody says rubbing the back of his neck. Remy glances towards the stairs.

"I'm gonna go check on Carson, he probably hasn't even been fed." He scoffs as he makes his way up the stairs. He doesn't approve of a lot of the things that go on in my house, but then again neither do I, but I have to live it. I silently curse him for leaving me alone with this boy.

"Yeah, yikes." I say as I tightly clasp my hands. He leans back against the wall, crossing his legs and arms, rubbing his chin in thought, then he smirk/smiles.

"So, Abielle." He starts. I tuck my hair behind my ear, then clutch my sides glancing at the floor. "What's your groove?" I laugh.

"My groove? Seriously?" He straightens up a bit.

"Yeah, what're you into?" I loosen up a bit and smile harmoniously.

"Music." I sigh somewhat sleepily.

"What kind?"

"All kinds, every kind. Music is transcendent. It speaks volumes. It speaks a language that everyone understands. It's the only constant I know." I've rambled on, almost forgetting that he was there.

"Hmm." I snap back to reality.


"You're passionate. But it's so hidden. I'd bet that when you're in your element, not a girl in the world would compare to you. I'm sorry for whatever's holding you back." Everything about that statement was so bold, I'm struck at first. "Genuinely." He starts walking toward the foyer and I follow. "You seem like a lovely girl, I'm sorry your mother doesn't see that." He opens the door and walks out, lighting a cigarette. We stand there forever, but he never puts it to his lips. It burns until there's nothing left to it. He slowly turns to me and takes my hand, gently placing it to his lips, barely touching. " You and I are going to become great friends." He smiles once more, but the time, his charm is genuine.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2018 ⏰

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