Chapter Seven: Tarot Cards

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I have never felt so giddy in my life! I'm hanging out with people outside of school for once! An actual group of people! The last time I (somewhat) willingly hung out with a group of people was for a family member's birthday years ago before my mom stopped talking to them. Well.. it ended on a sour note but it still counts.. right?

Ryder and I were already at the lake, having stopped at the store first for some drinks and chips since I really wanted to have a legitimate party. For a Friday, this place in conveniently cleared. Maybe it's because everyone is still working or at school.

"What are you, six?" Ryder yells at me. I was sitting on one of several huge boulders near the parking lot. I got down and made my way back to him. He was pulling a tarp looking thing out of his truck to place over one of the concrete picnic tables. I help him and soon we have the drinks and food set up. Then I saw a car pull up and a knot in my stomach began to form. I'm an idiot for asking Ryder to invite people I don't know and assume I wouldn't freak out about it. I mean, I don't know anything about them! What if they're like, super aggressive and pushy.. what if they don't think I'm cool enough to hang out with Ryder? What if they don't like me and tell Ryder to not hang out with me anymore?! "Galen?" Ryder had to look over the table because I sunk to the ground and partially hid. "What are you doing now?"


"I see that but why?"

"The car..."

"What about it?"

"..Who's in it?"

"Uhm. I don't know. I see a black girl though."

Jesse! Letting out a breath, I stood back up and sheepishly smiled. "Sorry.. this is all new for me.." Good thing she's here before Ryder's friend's.. it'll give me more time to settle my nerves.

"You really have been missing out if even this isn't something you've done."

His words add to the knot growing in my stomach but I power through. I look at the car and it was indeed Jesse, Charlie not far behind her. Did they come together? So they really do have a secret thing.

Jesse spots me and waves. "Galen! I have never seen you outside of school! Look at yooooou!" She exclaims. I smile at her comment. "No really though. Look at you. Ya look cute. I'm really digging that piercing on you." So many piercing complements! Maybe I will get the other one..

Jesse spins around and asks me how she looks. She is wearing a purple bikini top with a black and white skirt thing covering her bottoms. She also is wearing a large black and white hat and sunglasses.

"Don't you think the hat is a little bit of an overkill.. it's not even that bright today.."

"That's what I said!" Charlie interjects. He's wearing swim shorts with a Hawaiian pattern on them and a plain black shirt. I'm starting to feel a bit underdressed since I have no shirt but neither does Ryder. "I tried telling her she doesn't need it but she never listens to me."

"You know what Charlie? I can just take you home right now to watch your precious little nieces for your sister."

Charlie put on an obviously fake smile. "Oh my god, Jesse that hat looks amazing on you."

"That's what I thought."

I laugh but then hear someone clear their throat behind me. Oops. Forgot introductions. "So..  this is Ryder." He comes up next to me and waves to them. "Ryder, this is Jesse and that's Charlie."

"Hello." He says, putting on the most handsome smile I have ever seen. Have his smiles always looked like that? I am way too excited today.

Ryder holds his hand out for Charlie, only to have the guy stare him down. "You and I already know each other, or at least, we would have if you showed up for class more than once a month."

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