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Saeyeon POV

After the Prince of Hell introduced himself to me, I was like oh god...... WHAT DID I GET MYSELF INTO!!! I just told Jeon Jungkook my freaking name. Shit. I'm not thinking properly.
Ughhhhh..... I need a consultation from Tae Tae later. Aish only his quirkiness can cheer me up.
After school ended, me and Taehyung rushed back after we made sure that Hoseok wasn't followed by any of the demons. However, I could feel Jungkook's presence watching me when I left the school.

Urgh... that stalker. Fuckboy actually.

As soon as Tae and I got home, I trudged to my room and jumped onto my bed, stressed out.
Fuck. I'm going to sit next to the Prince of Hell while Tae is going to befriend Hoseok. Ah shit. I Guess I'll just have to put up with his crap. And make sure I dun start liking him or something that shitty. Aish.

Taehyung POV

Aish.... Saeyeon must be having it hard. She's sitting right next to a demon!!!! Haiz, I wish that I was next to her to protect her. Why can't she see that I have loved her since we became partners?

Damnit, I want her to see me as a lover, not a Brother or partner. Aish.....

Anyways, I heard that the guy was THE Jeon Jungkook.

Omo. That means that Lucifer did send those 3 demons to make sure the boy kills himself. That poor innocent boy.

Hoseok really is a nice boy but I could easily tell that he was kind of sad, like a sad smile etched on his slim face.

I sighed.

Crap, I need to keep Saeyeon away from that demon. Shit! How am I going to do that if he's seated right next her? But if I move to his seat, neither of us can protect Hoseok from the demons. What's more is that there are 3 of them. Holy crap. I need help. From my love, Saeyeon.

I have so much on my mind. Aish. Then, I just fell asleep on my bed.

Jimin POV

Aish... so good.

Jungkookie gets the girl. Damnit Yoongi Hyung and I have to sit behind the stupid angel and boy that is supposed to be the 2nd Prince of Hell?! Talk about my luck. When I saw that girl, I was like damn that angel girl is hot. Though she seems to have a rly deep hate for us demons.
Hahah she's actually quite cute. Maybe Jungkookie is gonna fuck her and possibly ruin her! How awesome is that gonna be?

"Hey Jimin!!! You listening to me?" Yoongi Hyung suddenly said, waving his hands in front of my dazed out face.

I smiled back. "Yesseu Hyung. Totally." I cheekily replied.

He gave me his normal annoyed look which you can easily tell was his 'what the hell dude, you on drugs or something' stare.

Shaking his head, he said,"Aish just don't wake me up or you know what will happen. And please don't think about girls for once. It's annoying when you hook up with like every hot demon, new ones included, in Hell. Aish this kid... I can't believe that I let you have 69 at such a young demonic age. All the time in fact. Aish let me have some man, I wanna be someone's first and not the second cos they already did with Park Jimin."

I smiled cheekily again as he laid back down on his bed and somehow went to sleep really easily.
Aish. I'll just go ask Jungkookie what's our plan at school tomorrow.

I knock on his room door and is received by a 'fuck off' from Jungkook's mouth as I enter his room.

"Hyung~ what do you want?" He whined to me as I walked towards him lying in the bed.

"Just wanna talk to our golden maknae of Hell. Yoongi Hyung is asleep. Again. Anyways, the angel girl that you're sitting with, you're gonna do it right?" I asked.

He smirked.

Meaning that yes he was going to do it with that girl.

I gave him a smirk of my own, telling him that I was totally fine with him hooking up with an angel.

"But, to be honest, Jungkook, are you sure you want to make her fall for you? Cos like won't Dad be kind of mad if you made out with an angel while on a mission?"

"Aish! Hyung, don't ruin my mood. Dad should be alright with it anyway. I can corrupt this angel... Won't that be fun, Hyung?" He replied with his puppy eye smile.

I beamed.

"Fine then. We'll just get closer to the boy and make him more evil and you know, just do what we normally do. But we'll have to get rid of that angel boy-"

"Hyung, just kill him. Easy peasy..." Jungkookie said with a sneer on his face.

Seriously. How fun can this mission get?

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