chapter 1

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Mitch Grassi was the definition of 'perfection' to everyone at Martin High. If you even spoke a work to him, you were lucky. The boy always claimed he was independent. He didn't need friends. He didn't need love. He always claimed he could defend himself. A lot of times he did. He would fight people and come out without a scratch. The other participant, however, would still be on the ground five minutes later, while Mitch had already gone off.

No matter what the circumstances were, you would always catch Mitch having fun. Constant parties, drinking, and hook-ups with hot boys. He never caught feelings, though.

"I'm not the type of person to 'catch feelings,'" He told everyone who asked him. "I don't care about the other guy. If he catches feelings, it's not my fault. I can't help that I'm pretty and good in bed."

He was always in trouble. Constantly in the office at school for things he would claim to be 'stupid.'

"It's really not that big of a deal," Mitch sighed as the principal gave him a hard glare. "It's just a piercing."

"You know it's against school policy to have any other piercings besides your ears, Grassi." he grunted.

Mitch sighed and rolled his eyes. "I don't care." he retorted.

The thing with Mitch was that he didn't have a caring bone in his body. He didn't care if he was in trouble, he didn't care if someone didn't like him, he didn't care if people talked shit about him to others. He just didn't care. Nothing phased this boy. This seemingly 'perfect' boy.
"Mitch?" Kirstin, one of Mitch's only friends, asked from across the lunch table.

Mitch looked up from where he was stabbing at his kale salad, his dark eyes meeting Kirstin's. "Hm?"

"Do you want to go to a study session with me after school?" She asked, and a laugh immediately bubbled up to Mitch's lips.

"You're kidding?"

"I... Mitch, I want you to be successful in life," Kirstin sighed.

"I will be," Mitch's eyebrows furrowed. "I already know what I'm doing when I get out of this hell-hole, and it doesn't involve knowing photosynthesis."

"Mitch, you aren't being cooperative," Kirstin huffed. "If you would just try-"

"Kirst," Mitch set his fork down, looking her straight in the eye. "I don't care about my grades. I don't care about my reputation. I don't care. What don't you get?"

"You're so closed off!" Kirstin retorted. "I've never met someone that literally didn't care about anything accept himself."

"Okay," Mitch shrugged, picking up his fork and stabbing at his salad again. "I don't know what you want me to do about that."

"I want you to atleast /try/ and be successful," Kirstin told him. "I love you, Mitchy. I want you to get somewhere."

"I /will/ get somewhere, Kirstin," Mitch immediately told her. "And I don't need study sessions and good grades to get there."


"No. This conversation is over," Mitch shook his head. "You can go to the study session and do what ever, but I'm not. I don't care about that shit. Now, can I /please/ finish my salad?"

Kirstin sighed, nodding her head after a moment. "Fine," he said shortly, cracking open her water bottle and taking a sip.

Mitch thanked her and sighed before digging into the bowl of kale, feta cheese and strawberries dressed with an italian vinaigrette, and Kirstin watched him, head resting in the palm of her hand. It wasn't until about five minutes later when she looked up above Mitch's head, eyes widening. "Who's that?" she furrowed her eyebrows.

Mitch stopped eating, glancing over his shoulder. The sight behind him was enough to make his eyes widen.

A tall blonde sat at the table, talking to a few others. Scruff framed his strong jaw and prominent chin, and his piercing blue eyes were breathtaking. Mitch tore his gaze away, looking back over at Kirstin and shrugging. "I dunno."

"He's hot," Kirstin giggled.

"Hey, now, don't do that while you have a boyfriend," Mitch scolded.

Kirstin pouted. "I can look at the menu, I just can't order."

Mitch's eyes widened again, and he let out a giggle, covering his mouth. The tall blonde heard the laugh and looked behind him, grinning at the sight of the small brunette. He averted his attention back to the others after only a second.

Kirstin, however, caught the look. "Blondie just looked at you."

Mitch just shrugged, beginning to eat again. "'Kay."

He quickly munched down the rest of his salad before standing up and throwing the container away. 'Blondie' watched him, and then stood up himself, walking towards him.

"Hey," he smiled sweetly at Mitch when he got to his side.

Mitch looked up at him, eyebrows raised. He crossed his arms over his chest. "Hey?"

"I'm Scott," the tall boy grinned down at him.

"Mitch," Mitch answered shortly. "Can I help you?"

Scott chuckled a little. "Just saying hi. I figured I'd introduce myself."

"Well," Mitch sighed, keeping a straight face. "Hi," he stated simply before walking back over to Kirstin and plopping down in his seat.

'Playing hard to get, huh?' Scott thought to himself. 'I can already tell he's not gonna be easy.'

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