The Fourth Wall by Darkeela

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I love creepy pastas. Always have. My favorite have always been the pokemon ones, I have no idea why. I'm just... Drawn to them. They've never actually scared me, don't get me wrong. I'm not some pansy that curls up in a ball each night scared of something under my bed trying to get me while I am asleep, nor do I shy away from scary images. Actually, I love it all. I always have. On facebook, I do something called roleplay, which is essentially taking turns to write stories with hundreds of other people online. Each person has different characters, and every story is different. I've been a roleplayer for nearly four years now, and I've read some things that would make most people's skin crawl. Not me though. I'm nineteen, turning twenty this year. My life belongs to the world of fantasy in a sense. Lately though, I've lost a lot of muse for writing, and I can't explain why.

I could blame my depression. Unfortunately I know it would be a lie, because depression was what caused me to write in the first place. It was my sanctuary away from everything. I could write about whatever I liked, whatever I dreamed up would become a reality in this world of make believe. Some roleplayers are better than others; writing in elaborate detail, or even using fancy words to make their writing more beautiful. There are also one-liners, roleplayers that give nonsense short responses like "looks at you" or "smiles", often with bad grammar. But who am I to judge? Everyone in this world starts off somewhere.

Not too long ago, a group of roleplayers appeared with weird names, and the last name "Colt". All of them had horrific images of disfigured beings or people. Nobody even gave these people a second glance though. We figured they were just another clan that had come from another site or something. That wasn't too uncommon, for the majority of well known clans had come from Myspace to begin with. Hell, a few years back I had started my own clan, the Vortex. These guys were all odd though... You never saw them fighting. When they were roleplaying, they were something else. I tell you. I'm good at roleplay, yet I could never even hold a candle to these guys. Funny thing was, when I asked? Nobody even remembered what the stories were about. I know I had read their writing countless times before, but I couldn't remember either.

For about five months, this clan went through facebook, roleplaying with everyone. I can't explain how I knew they were good. I just remembered their writing, yet I forgot at the same time. Going to find their writing again once a roleplay was over was near impossible, they were all deleted by time you came back. Something else I noticed though, they were growing more members by the day. On top of that, other roleplayer's profiles were disappearing. This was nothing new though. Facebook was always taking away people's accounts. Nobody was making new accounts though. I tried to inbox the Colt members, but nobody ever spoke back. Thought they were all just stuck up pricks after awhile. It wasn't until I asked one of them to roleplay with me that I finally got a reply. I didn\'t expect the reply though, I was told to go ask the leader, and that the admin was busy.

It surprised me when they said that. I mean, they all said their admin was busy, yet they had the time to respond back to me, right? I got a little angry at this uppity behavior, and wrote a huge rant post, at least fifteen paragraphs long, tagging a heap of people on my friends list. What I wrote I thought was pretty good, I digressed and went on about the attitude of all roleplayers who were too cocky to treat others on equal terms. I was quite known for my rants though see, and I often got quite positive replies when I wrote them. Come ten minutes later though, there was no new notifications. There were no comments. This was a little strange, though I guessed I had drawn a blank in sense with writing this one. Though, it did strike me as a little odd that nobody had paid the post any attention. I went back to my timeline to see if facebook had just messed up my notifications again. It was worse, my post wasn\'t even there. I groaned out loud, facebook was failing again.

Then I noticed something else. My timeline was blank; nothing I had written was there anymore. My profile picture wasn't the same either. I clicked on the image, and the creepiest pic I had come across on the net so far was in its place. I didn't change my profile picture and all. What the hell was going on? Shaking my head, I clicked out of the picture, going back to my timeline. Then I saw my name... "Darkora Colt". Now I was groaning. It seemed this so called clan was just a product of facebook turning my account into a spam bot. I probably just got hacked. The thing was though; I had used all of my name changes already. Hackers though, I couldn't put anything past them.

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