Chapter 5: Pizza

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Kirstie's POV

Kevin was already at the apartment when we arrived. "Hey girl!" he said, giving me a hug.

"Hey! How have you been?"

"Good, how about you?"

"Great! What movies did you bring?" he asked, gesturing to the DVDs in my hand.

"Let's see..." I handed him each DVD as I said the title. "Tangled, Frozen, and Captain America: Civil War."


"Yeah! We'll decide what to watch when Scott and Mitch get here. Do you need help getting the plates and stuff?"
"No, it's fine Kirst! Just sit down and relax. Avi and I will get everything."

Such gentlemen. I smiled at him. "Okay."


Scott and Mitch arrived about ten minutes later.

"Heyyyy guys!" Mitch said.

"Hey!" we all responded. We got up and hugged them.

"I've missed you guys!" Scott said.

"We've missed you too, buddy," Avi replied.

I hung back a little bit and let the guys catch up with each other; although I lost touch with all of them, I've known Scott and Mitch since we were nobodies in Texas, so I've talked to them a lot more often in the past year than I've talked to Avi and Kevin. I looked around at everyone, and they all had huge smiles on their faces as they talked to each other, and I smiled to myself. I loved how happy they were to see each other again.

"As much as I hate to interrupt this, the pizza's getting cold," I said.

"Oh, right!" Scott said.

We made our way over to the coffee table where the pizza was and sat on the couch. We grabbed a plate and a couple slices and just caught up for a little bit.

We talked for a good hour and then watched Tangled and Frozen. As Avi was putting in the Captain America DVD, Scott and Mitch got up to leave.
"Leaving so soon?" I asked. It was only almost 11:30.

"Yeah, we have a lot of stuff to do tomorrow," Mitch said.
"But it's Chris Evans! And that scene when he was holding onto the helicopter! So hot!" Avi said, jokingly fanning himself. We all laughed. "I mean, I'm not gay, but I'd go gay for that man in a heartbeat," he continued.

"Pshhh, every straight guy would go gay for him!" I said.

"Every straight guy would go gay for Avi too!" Mitch replied. We started laughing even harder.

"But no, as much as we'd love to stay, we unfortunately can't. Sorry guys! See you later!" Scott said.

"Bye!" we all replied.


I started falling asleep about an hour into the movie and I tried so hard to stay awake and finish it, but I kept falling asleep every few minutes, waking up when my head would fall down too quickly. I felt someone put their arm around me and pull me closer. At this point, I was too tired to look up to see whose chest I just buried my head into, and I was also too tired to care. "Kirstie?" Avi whispered.


"You want me to take you home?"
I shook my head. "Too tired."

"You have to get home sooner or later."

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