
43 1 2


Five days has passed since the party and needless to say, it feels like 2015 is still in the house. The anticipation of the new year left before it was supposed to, unfortunately.

I was currently in my apartment, sweeping the living room floors. They weren't messy, just a little bit of dust on the corners, but I didn't really want Juliet to throw a fit today. We live together, that's what five, almost six, years of being together does to you. I searched for the dust pan and heard my phone ring. Forgetting about the dust pan, I picked up my phone. It was Jesse, my friend and band's merch guy.

I answered the call, "Hello?"

"Hey, uhh, are you busy right now?" He asked. I could hear some rap music playing on the other line. "No, not now."

"Okay, well, think you could come to Pizza Hut with me at 2? I'm starving and eating alone makes me nervous." He asked. I looked at the time, 1:27pm.

"Um, yeah, sure." I ended up finding the dust pan and picked it up, bending over to pick up the dirt I swept up. "Awesome, see you then." He said before hanging up.

It was a bit weird for Jesse to invite me to have lunch with him, since we haven't really hung out since a good friend of ours died last year. We tried, but it just didn't feel right without him. But at least he was kind enough to do so.

I threw the dirt on the dust pan in the trash before sighing. "Done," I mumbled before putting the broom away along with the dust pan and went to go change. Hopefully this wouldn't be awkward.


I arrive at Pizza Hut fifteen minutes after 2, which isn't too bad to me. Jesse's blue car was nearby and I sighed. A normal reaction someone would get when arriving late to an event is to be stared at, and I am aware it's normal, but being stared at by a mutual makes me uncomfortable. I hope him and the other person he supposedly brought don't stare at me too much, although, it would just be a normal reaction.

The smell of pizza pies and pepper appeared as soon as I opened the door. It was a smell I could never get tired of. After closing the door, I was greeted by a small blonde woman, "Hello, welcome to Pizza Hut, may I take your order?"

I turned my head over to the tables and spotted Jesse at the table in the center, talking to someone. The stranger looked so familiar, I knew I saw them somewhere. I just couldn't put my finger on it.

"I'm actually with a party of 3 who came earlier." I said and she looked at the table where Jesse was at. There wasn't much people at the restaurant and Jesse was at a table with three chairs, one being available. "Right this way, sir." She led me to the table, which I could've came without her doing so.

As I walked to the table, I focused on the stranger Jesse was talking to. They were no stranger, actually. He was the guy I talked to at the party a few days ago! Yes, but what was his name?

"Thought you wouldn't come." Jesse pulled out the chair next to him, receiving a grin from me. "Had nothing else to do so i guess accepting the invitation wouldn't hurt."

Jesse chuckled and sat up, "I already ordered you a Coke, if thats okay."

I wasn't really a big fan of fizzy drinks but I could do one drink. "Yeah, that's cool."

The guy didn't say a word to me since I got here. I know we talked a couple days ago, everything went smoothly when we met, how is it any different now? I didn't really want to introduce myself, since I'm sure I did that a few days ago.

"Also, Andy, this is my friend, Scott. Scott, this is Andy." Jesse introduced us, noticing we weren't speaking.

"We've met." He said, softly. He glanced at me with a friendly grin. "Oh, really?" Jesse asked. Scott was still new apparently and I'm guessing Jesse is one of the few friends he could've made. "Yeah, it was at that New Year's party you left early." Scott answered. "Oh, well, that's cool," Jesse said before taking a drink of his Coke.

The waitress came back and gave me my Coke and put a straw beside it. "Are you ready to order, gentlemen?" She asked, holding the order slip and pen.

"One large pepperoni, hand tossed." Scott said, glancing at me. "Are you alright with that?" He asked, receiving a nod from me.

"Would that be all?" She asked, her eyes twinkled at Scott. She most likely fancied him, from what I could see. Scott didn't seem to have the slight interest in her. "Yep." Scott said, the waitress grinned at him before putting the booklet back in her pocket and going to get the order.

As soon as she left, Jesse started to laugh and patted Scott on the back. "She's cute, why not ask for her number?" He laughed, taking a sip of his Coke afterwards. Scott was blushing a deep red and grinned, "Not my type, bro."

"And your type would be: not a female." He chuckled, Scott gave him a nudge, and I raised an eyebrow. Oh, so he's gay?

"You're gay?" i asked, i didnt expect myself to ask but for some reason I did. Scott glanced over at me and shrugged. "Yeah." He had a little smirk on his face, "Is that bad?"

"No, no, it's not! I just, um, I don't know, I don't think I would have guessed." I cleared myself up, chucking nervously at the end. Scott laughed and shook his head, "You mean if I were that stereotypical gay that wears rainbow everywhere and flirts with every single guy regardless?"

I blushed out of embarrassment and held onto my Coke, "No, not exactly. I don't know, I don't have a problem with it, though."

"That's good." Scott beamed and I smiled. He seems really nice and cool.

The waitress came back with the pizza and placed it at our table. She placed some napkins nearby and left. Before she did, she winked at Scott. Jesse and I held our laughter in with everything we got before Scott and sighed and chuckled, "C'mon, she doesn't know any better,"

"That's what makes this amusing." I said, reaching for a slice and putting it on my plate. I took a napkin to wipe the grease off the slice, when i noticed the napkin and a phone number on it.

555-0125 -Emma xx

"Aye, Scott, I think this is for you." I said. "Hm?" He tilted his head and I revealed the writing on the napkin to him and Jesse. As soon as they caught on, the two burst into laughter and Scott covers his face to hide the redness. I couldn't help but to laugh, too.

We proceeded to eat and crack jokes here and there, and I must say, I was really enjoying myself. I don't think I ever felt so laid back and relaxed when out with friends in such a while. I'm not really good with playing well with people I just met, but Scott was so cool and so genuine, I felt comfortable saying whatever I wanted in front of him.

An hour and a half passed before Jesse asked for the check. "It's on me." He mumbled before taking out his credit card and handing it to the waitress. Surprisingly, she didn't flirt with Scott, probably figured that he wasn't interested.

After a couple minutes, Jesse got the receipt and his card back before we all got up and left. "I'll see you two at work." Scott said, going to his car. I waved goodbye to both of them before walking to my car and going home.

I couldn't wait to get back to work.


This was too awfully boring, i'm sorry, i haven't been writing in the longest while but the book will get better, I promise. I'll also start trying my hardest to write on time and not update a month later!!!! Until then, stay tuned!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2017 ⏰

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