cheater Weiss x reader

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(Y/N) pov
I was in my dorm thinking of what to get my girl friend of 2 years for her birthday her name is Weiss schnee that's right heiress of the schnee dust company I don't really care about that though I care more about her than her money witch sometimes she gets mad at me for it but it works itself out I was about to leave when my teammate Alex stoped me

Alex: what's up dude

Me: hey Alex I was going out to get my girlfriend a gift for her birth day

Alex: oh... um... I been meaning to talk about her listen I think she's cheating on you

Me: well she was being a bit distant lately but nahhh she wouldn't so that

Alex: man you're a bit too care free I wish I could be more like you but I think I'm going to ruin it with this

He pulls out his scroll and shows me a picture of Neptune and Weiss hanging out

Alex: look man I'm just telling to watch out I don't want another incident like last time

              Flash back (y/n) pov
I was walking with my team Alex, me, my sis Sara, and Gary I was with Weiss at the time for 1 year and we were on a mission to kill some Grimm what I didn't know and I'm pretty sure ozpin didn't know is that there were 4 goliaths and 2 dragons

Me: how is there so many

Alex: I thought dragons had to be summoned how the hell are they here

Sara: don't know don't care I think we should retreat not even 20 trained hunters could beat this if they tried we better get out of here

Gary: she's right we need to go NOW

We started running the opposite direction but they wouldn't let us first the goliath blocked us then a dragon so on and so forth until we were surrounded

Me: we are trapped and I for one don't want to go out with out a fight how about you guys

Sara, Gary, and alex: YEAH LET GET EM

Every one attacked and in a instant we all went down the first to die was Gary he was killed by the dragon then my sister was killed by the same dragon me and Alex were badly injured our aura was almost gone they where about to kill Alex until I completely blacked out in rage and sorrow I don't Renner any thing after that

Alex pov
Me and (y/n) were badly injured I looked over to see him he was standing there like he was lost in space until I saw a blinding (f/c) light and he was standing there completely healed I look down to see I was also completely healed he ran towards the dragon that killed Sara and Gary at speeds so high he broke the sound barrier he punched the dragon in the face so hard that there wasn't even any trace left of his existence from the explosion he did the same to the others until he killed them all after that he walked up to me and passed outbid carried him back to ozpin and told him what happened he made us a 2 man team

        Flash back end (y/n) pov
Me: it's fine she would never we have been together for 2 years I don't see why she would

Alex: me neither I'm just saying watch out

Me: ok ok see ya later

Alex: see ya

I walk down to vale and I see a beautiful necklace of a diamond encrusted snowflake necklace and thought it would be perfect for Weiss I grabbed it payed for it and head back to beacon I went over to team rwbys dorm to give it to her I had it in a gift wrap box with a white bow on top I went to knock on the door but I stoped before i do I hear something on the other side I put my ear up to the door and I hear moaning and what sounded like Neptune and Weiss

Neptune: are you sure no-one is going to find out

Weiss: I'm sure now come on

I hear more moaning till I heard enough and bust down the door I thought I could handle it but I couldn't I lost control and everything faded to black

Weiss pov
I hope (y/n) doesn't find out I don't know what I'm doing Neptune is horrible but me makes me feel thing things that (y/n) never could I was having fun until I heard the door almost fly off the hinges I look over to see

Me: (y/n) i-i um didn't know y-y-you where here

(Y/n):.................... (y/n) isn't here right now my name is Jack I come out when he has over welming feelings and shuts down so I take over and right now he's feeling a hatred I have never seen before I only saw this kind of hatred 1 year ago when his sister died now what could have caused that

He looks over to Neptune

(Y/n): you kneel now

Neptune kneels down in front of him but he is struggling meaning it's being done against his own will

(Y/n): now they don't call me Jack the ripper for nothing

He walks over to Neptune slowly until he stops in front of him he stomps his foot on the back of Neptunes head pulls on his arm until he rips it off completely blood was every where it covered half the room but now I can see him better in the moon light he has dark red eyes that look like they lost all traces of sanity and his hair changed from (h/c) to white and he had a (f/c) glow it was really intimidating and scary he ripped off Neptunes other arm and throws it away he then ripped off his leg after that he died after Neptune died (y/n) no Jack got bored and walked over to me he grabed me by the neck and pulled me off my feet I was squirming trying to get out of his grip but nothing worked so I gave up

(Y/n): ah giving up so soon it's sad really you would make and interesting subject but (y/n) doesn't want you dead so aren't you lucky I'll see you around

He threw me across the room into the wall the wall had a bit of a creater in it because he threw me so hard

(Y/n): here it's last gift you will ever get from me

I look up to see that (y/n) is back to normal but looks very upset he throws a box at me with blue wrapping and a white bow I look at him as he leave i open the box I see a letter and a necklace I open the letter

Dear Weiss,
Listen I know we have been together for only 2 years but they where the best 2 years of my life I love you so much I was going to ask in person but I got to nervous so I was going to ask you would you maybe marry me
                                Your love

I started crying after I read the letter I look at the door to see that he's still there

(Y/n): after what just happened it's safe to assume I changed my mind

He left I was crying in my bed full of regrets I was going to kill myself today

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