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Haruka's POV

"Ruka I will miss you" mom said with tears as i walk outside the house "yeah i know" i said. Today i will move to Tsukasa's house at Mysteria because school will start tomorrow. "Tsuky is here" mom said after he saw Tsukasa's car "then im going now" i  said as i enter the car "Tsuky take care of my Ruka okay" mom "I will" Tsukasa reply with a smile.

After 2-3 hours we already arrived at the house. It's not as big as our castle but it's beautiful enough. "Follow me I'll show you to your room" Tsukasa. So i follow him. "This is your room and this is mine right behind yours" tsukasa " okay" me. I enter the room ang arranged my things.......

*krinnngggg    krrriiinnngggg*
I hear the alarm clock ringing. Oh right school starts today. I got up and quickly prepare myself. I wear a black short skirt,white long sleeve , a red neck tie and a black vest that's our uniform. I went to the kitchen and saw Tsukasa cooking. "Oh Ruka Good Moring"- him "Good Morning.....wait Ruka?" Me " Your mom is calling you that so i decide to call you the same.... you can call me Tsuky as well" him "Nah I'm fine with Tsukasa" me........Then we ate our break fast and went to school.

*at school*
I look at the bulletin board to know my section. Tsukasa is looking too. "Look Ruka we're at the same class" tsukasa "you're right" me. We walk together through our class room. While we are walking i heard girls gossiping. "Look that Tsukasa Yamamoto right?" " Yeah that's right he's so hot, right?" " yeah" they said. "You seem so popular" me "Well many girls are asking me out.....but i turn them all down" he said "Why?" Me "Because they like me just because of my look" him "Oh i see..." me. Soon we got into our classroom.

One by one we introduce ourselves. "I'm Haruka Saito It's nice to meet you all" i said as i introduce my self. When I'm about to sit i noticed the boy beside me was staring at me. I ignore it because i thought it's because i just introduce myself. But he keep on staring at me. I feel uneasy. "Ruka whats wrong?" I hear a very familiar voice then i remember that Tsukasa was also seated beside me "N-nothing" i lied "you sure?" Him "yah" me.......

3:00 pm
School is finally over. "Ruka! You can go home alone right?" Tsukasa "Ummm yes why did you ask" me "Because I'm going to our school's basketball team try out so we can't walk home together" he said "It's okay......i'm going now then" and then i walk to go home.

When I'm walking I saw that boy beside me. I suddenly feel nervous. "Hey you" he said "Ummm me?" I asked "Who else of course you" he said "What do you need" me. Then he suddenly come near me. He walks toward and toward me until I become corner. Crap! What should I do. Someone help me. "You're the one I need" he whispered in my ears while playing my hair. "Get off me" i said as i push him away bit he's too strong. "I fell in love with you the first time I saw you and I'm going to make you mine" he said and now he's about to kiss me "STOP IT!!!" i said as i struggle really hard "HELP!SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!!!! ANYONE! HELP" i struggle and struggle and struggle "TSUKASA!!!!!! HELP ME!!!! TSUKY!!!!" I shouted really hard. "Tsukasa? Oh that hot prince hahaha he won't come to save you" he said . Then his face come closer and closer and closer I close my eyes because i'm so scared. "Tsuky" i said. Then i hear someone fall on the ground. I open my eyes and saw Tsuky he punched that guy and then the guy run away. "Tsuky" i said as i ran towards him. I hugged him really hard. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?" He said "No I'm fine" me "Let's go" then he hold my hand "I thought that you're on a basketball try out why are you here" me " ah it got canceled" him "Ummmm tsuky...i mean tsukasa....t-thank you" me "call me tsuky" him "i told you i'm fine with tsukasa" me "aww if you don't call me tsuky i wont accept your thanks" him " okay i guess i have no choice.......t-tsuky" i said with embarrassment "you're so cute" he said and then he kissed my forehead and run "huh!? Tsuky come back here" i shouted and again i feel my heart pounding really hard. Why do i feel like this? Is this what they call......l-love?! No I thought I'm just imaging things. Yeah right, I'm just imaging it.

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