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(A/N) Once again I'm deeply sorry for the long wait.

Please enjoy.



"Mmm." I uttered as I stretched my arms out above my head. "Looks like I'm finally finished." I said to myself before grabbing the stack of papers I had been working on up until just now. Tapping them against the table in means to straighten them out from their previously disheveled state, before I slipped them carefully into my bag.

"Finally. Now then let's get going."

"Eep!" I jumped, startled from the unexpected voice and quickly turned my head to find the culprit. "Katsuo! Jeez you scared me. When did you get here?"

Katsuo let out an exasperated sigh. "I've been here practically the entire time since your last lecture ended. I can't believe you didn't notice at all. Honestly how oblivious can you be?" He chided me as he shook his head in disbelief.

"Is that true?" I asked shocked, to which Katsuo nodded. "Then you should have said something to me!" I pouted.

Katsuo faced me with a serious expression. "I did. On several occasions no less, but you were too absorbed in your work to take any notice. What if it was someone that came to harm you? You were completely defenseless." He scolded me as if I was a child in his care.

"Haha. What are you saying? That would never happen. Who would even have a reason to anyway?" I laughed it off.

"Me." He stated and I quickly looked up to see his face had clouded over. "If you were to ever stray to far from my side."

"What?" I asked a bit surprised by his answer. "You shouldn't joke like that." I replied looking to the side a bit overcome by the tension.

"It wasn't a joke. You've left me all alone twice now. I don't think I can handle it if you do that to me again." He said placing his hand on my desk and leaned in close to me.

"Suo." I spoke his name gently as I placed my hand on his cheek. "I'm sorry. I've made you lonely haven't I? I'm not going anywhere, so it's ok." I reassured him with a smile.

"(Y/N)" Katsuo grabbed my wrist as he inched closer to me.

"So what's wrong" I asked clearing my throat trying to dispel the weird atmosphere that was generating around us now. I don't know why but my heart skipped a beat for a moment there. Suo's always been rather clingy and possessive, but what was he just trying to do just now? Surely not what I think he was, right? He should know better than to do that again after the scolding he got last time.

"What do you mean?" He questioned me seeming slightly annoyed by the interruption and genuinely confused by my question.

"Well you came here and waited all this time for me to finish my work. What did you need?"

"Ah. About that, I just wanted to escort you home. After all it's dangerous to let a woman walk home alone." He stated matter-of-factly.

"Don't worry about that Suo. I can get home just fine on my own. I'm not a child and besides it isn't too far from here anyway. Thanks for the concern though." I turned him down with a confident smile, thinking he should worry more about getting back to where he was staying in the dorms on campus.

"Heh heh." He chuckled darkly. "It wasn't an offer, it was more of a demand. Since I will be preparing your food that officially makes me your caretaker, so if you're done here than let's get you back home after we go get some stuff for me to make dinner. I assume you don't have anything at your place to eat right now." He declared as he began to walk out of the room, but then stopped in his tracks and turned around towards me again as if he forgot something. "You do have the equipment for me to cook right? Like pots and pans?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2017 ⏰

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