2. A Cold Welcome

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The guys finally arrive in the fictional now very real city. Sam gazes at the street lights and buildings in awe, "Since you guys dragged me here we're going to find either a club or a bar, got it?!" Dean says sternly. Sam and Cas roll their eyes and reply in unison, "Got it." They continue to drive through the streets of Gotham until they came across a club called Grin Your Teeth & Smile. They pulled into the parking lot of the club and went inside. Dean's eyes lit up as soon as he saw the liquor filled bar, "Alright boys I'm gonna go get a bottle of beer want anything?" Sam replies, "I'll just have a water." Cas joins in the conversation, "I'll have the same." Dean shakes his head in annoyance, "Wimps." He walks over to the wooden purple bar near the back of the brightly lit and loud nightclub. Sam looks around at the club goers but his eyes land on a very strange looking man in the VIP section. Dean comes back with one beer and two waters, "Hey check that guy out?" Dean looks at the man in confusion, "Dude looks like a a fancy piece of frozen broccoli." He chuckles but then notices the man looking blankly at their table. They notice the guy talking to a black suited man and pointing their way. The suited man walks over to the table, "Boss wants to see you." They all look at each other in confusion, "Boss? That's a weird ass name." Dean chuckles at his own joke and the man takes out a gun and holds it against his chest. Dean puts his hands up, "Alright dude chill, come on guys." They all walk towards the man from earlier. He had vibrant green hair, pale white skin and had three tattoos on his face. One of the tattoos was the word Damaged written across his forehead, then the letter J underneath his right eye, and a star on his left temple. Dean whispers to Sam and Cas, "Man this dude looks all sorts of crazy." They both shush him, "Welcome gentleman, please sit." They all sit on the leather couch, "Listen buddy, if this is about us looking at you we're sorry, but you kind of stand out." The man chuckles, "You read my mind. Now boys do you know who I am?" Sam thinks for a minute and it clicks, the green hair, the red lipstick, and the pale white skin, it's the man everyone in Gotham City fears, the Lucifer of the city, it's the one and the only...Joker. He looks at him in fright, "Sam do you know this man?" Cas asks. Sam nods his head and Dean looks at Cas like he's insane, "Are you serious Cas? Do they not have comic books up in Heaven? This is the infamous Joker!" Joker flashes his metal teeth with a psychotic smile, "The one and only. Now why don't you introduce yourselves since you already know who I am." Dean answers, "My name's Dean-Dean Winchester." He reaches for the Joker's hand to shake it but he doesn't shake back, "I don't shake hands." Dean continues on and pretends that didn't just happen and points to Sam and Cas, "Anyways that's my brother Sam and our friend Castiel, we call him Cas for short." Joker looks at them with a curious look, "So what brings you guys to Gotham? You do know this is the home of freaks and criminals right? After all I am the clown prince of crime." He gets up and points his custom made purple gun at Cas's head making him uncomfortable. Dean jumps to his protection, "Woah! Woah! Woah! What the hell is wrong with you man?" Joker looks at Dean, "Oh my god you people are so defensive." He laughs, Sam looks to the right of the Joker, Lucifer is sitting on top of the couch, "Hey Sammy, miss me?" He laughs and disappears. Dean notices Sam's behavior knowing exactly what's happening, "You see him again don't you?" Sam nods in anger. Joker interrupts in annoyance, "The hell are you goons rambling about?" Dean looks up at the irritated villain, "It's none of your damn business." Joker gets in Dean's face and smacks him, "WHEN YOU'RE IN MY CLUB EVERYTHING IS MY FUCKING BUSINESS!" Dean gets up and tries to take a swing but is pushed against the wall by one of the Joker's henchmen. He bends down to Dean and growls, "My club, my rules, and my business got it buddy!" Dean rolled his eyes and got up. Cas got up and in Joker's face, "You are no friend to God and the angels." Joker laughed, "Listen church boy, I run the show around here and you shut your mouth unless you wanna get shot." Cas glared at him, "Oh I'm no church boy." The lights flicker on and off, lightning and thunder strikes as angel wings flash behind Castiel. Joker and his goons' eyes widened, Sam pulls at Cas' sleeve to sit down but he doesn't listen and pulls out his angel blade. Joker chuckled, "Oh no did I make little angel boy upset." Sam's pull became stronger and forcing Cas down on the couch. Joker sat up in his seat, "I want you idiots out of my sight...NOW!" They all got up except Dean, "What makes you think it's ok to talk to people like that?" Joker got in his face, "This is my territory and I'll talk the way I want to. Now get out before I shoot your head off!" Dean got up and followed Sam and Cas to the impala, "Jeez that guy has some serious issues." Sam jokes, "Yeah tell me about it." And with that they all drive to a hotel, but little did they know it was the hotel Joker was living at.

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