Baby daddy

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Quavo:wassup guh (smile)

Aniya:I have to tell you something

Quavo:what you got to tell me

He started kissing on my neck making me squeal ,and he started laughing

Quavo:what's wrong with you ?

Aniya:you know how I've been throwing up ,and eating a lot ,and pea a lot

Quavo:yeah what's up you got something ?

Aniya:really no

Quavo:then wassup ,you know I'm impatient

Aniya:I'm pregnant quavious

Quavo:nah you playing with a young rich nigga (laughing)

Aniya:so you don't believe me quavious

Quavo:no I don't I know I didn't slip up so you must be cheating on me

He got up ,and threw my clothes in my suitcase ,and threw the suitcase on the bed

Quavo:get out

Aniya:I hate you I swear you gone sit right here ,and say that I was cheating on you,and you took my virginity
(Smacked him)go to hell

He laugh like it was the funniest thug ever

Quavo:yeah bitch can't trust these hoes they wishy washy

I shook my head ,and walked out the house ,and put my things in the car ,and pulled of to go back home if he don't want to claim his child then he don't have to because I'm gone be good regardless

1year & 9months later

Aniya:Keyate sit down please

Keyate my son was running around making stuff fall I was currently at my friend house that I didn't see in a long time Lakeya lol I had Keyate early like 8 months I was in labor for almost 7 hrs it didn't hurt because they gave me drug /medicine

Lakeya:girl he so cute what you been up to?

Aniya:girl nothing living

Ding dong!

Lakeya:hold on girl I be back
She huffed ,and got up to answer the door

Takeoff:wassup Aniya

He gave me a hug making me smile a little

Takeoff:how you been ?

He looked around the living room


Takeoff:that's good but I thought you had a baby!

He started getting a little excited

Aniya:I mean I do

Takeoff:oh shit that's crazy

He picked Keyate up making him smile with his little bit of teeth in his mouth

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