26. Feeding Time

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26. Feeding time

It had been far too long since Vaan had last fed on any kind of blood. Though he didn’t want to break any sort of ethical code, he couldn’t help but crave human. Much to his reluctance, he forced his body towards the woods to find some creature without opposable thumbs to feed from.

That morning was exceptionally chilly, and Vaan almost regretted not bring a jacket. However, he knew he’d just get stains on it and there was not much time where he wasn’t as vulnerable to things such as temperature. Blood replenished him, made his body the perfect temperature so he was never cold, never hot, and he was always healthy. Yesterday he’d woken up in a terrible coughing fit. Drinking blood wasn’t about the hunger; it was about the regeneration, the energy.

He walked through bushes and wacked branches out of his way and then he saw it, just a small deer. Well, it was better than nothing, he supposed.

Vaan crouched down, hiding behind a tree, and he watched the doe silently as it graze. Bursting forward, Vaan reached out and practically flew to the creature, his hands wrapped around its neck. He rolled down a small hill, the doe still in hand. He was thankful female deer had no antlers. When they came to a halt, he snapped the doe’s neck and sank his teeth in to its shoulder.

God, it was gross. But it got the job done. He slowly felt the heat return to his body, and the slight pain in his back from that tumble before was relieved.

He kicked the animal’s body away from his own, and used his shirt sleeve to wipe away a few drops of blood from the corner of his mouth.

Well, that was certainly better, he thought as he stood up and felt pretty great. He reached up and pressed his thumb to the tip of his fangs that threatened to cut his skin like paper. Hmph. He wondered, just for a second, what it would have been like to remember his real parents and to be human. Then he pushed away the idea, because it was so stupid and pointless.

(SORRY it's so short, but this chapter isn't super mega important, so I didn't feel the need to drag it on forever.)

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