Chapter 1 - Pilot

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"Dylan?" I could hear her quietly call out for me. Quickly I scrambled to my feet from the floor which I had ended up on after aimlessly wondering around for about an hour as Naomi slept. I walked over slowly lowering my body down on her plush comforter.

"Yeah Naomi?" I whispered, rolling onto my side facing her. I could see she was studying me slowly. I couldn't help but stare into her deep emerald eyes. "Is something wrong?" I suddenly felt worried as I couldn't read her expression. I couldn't help but scoot closer to her as she kept her gaze on me.

The corners of her lips dipped downward as she desperately tried to keep her emerald eyes from meeting my mocha ones. "I I... think we should end things." she croaked, rolling onto her back before sitting up and scooting slowly off the bed before I could even comprehend what had just happened. Before I knew it I had shot up and was slowly making my way over to her.

"End things? why?"

I carefully watched as she spun around to face me, her head tilt back staring at me. She looked as if she didn't even have the slightest clue as to why she was dumping me. "Naomi!" I blurted finally making her jump.

"I just feel like it's time for us to just stop, I mean we're only seventeen!" she exclaimed as she made her way past me over to her desk chair. "I just want to explore my options, I'm not ready to settle down straight after graduation. I want to go out into the world and do what I want." by now she was glaring at me and her skin was starting to turn to a light pink. I was beyond baffled at her words.

I slowly made my way over to her kneeling down so our faces were level, cupping her face in my palms as I try to make her eyes focus on me. "I never said we'd have to settle down right away, I just meant at some point we could," I let out a soft chuckle as I finished speaking, I could feel her bony fingers wrap tightly around my wrists. "What? you don't see a future for us?" my voice dropping lower as she quietly stared me down, I couldn't think of anything else to do but nod. I felt as if I had just gotten punched in the stomach, I could feel her clenching harder onto my wrists as I started to shift to stand.

"Do you hate me?"

I couldn't help but scoff as her words echoed through my head. Is she crazy? "Mehate you? You've got to be kidding me." I ripped my wrists from her grip as I stood up throwing my hands over my head. "It's fine, we're done. It's better if we're not together anyway.." I looked back at her from over my shoulder, I could see she looked upset. Did she want me to fight for her? I just don't understand girls. "I guess bye, Naomi."

"Wait," her feet padded against the hard maple wood floor as she stepped towards me. I turned around to meet her gaze, looking down at her as she's much shorter than I am. Before I knew it her arms were wrapped around my neck, pulling me down slightly into her. I snaked my arms around her back giving her a slight squeeze. "I'll always love you." she whispered into my ear, I could feel the goose bumps rise along my neck as her warm breath hit my skin. Once again I was stuck nodding.

"Yeah, me too." I let my arms loosen around her as I began stepping back, I couldn't even bare to look her way. I just turned around and left, I refuse to let myself look back at her. I don't even know what to do with myself right now, I don't even know why I'm actually upset. I mean we've only been dating for a few months. I'll just find someone else, it can't be that difficult can it?


"This all for you?" I glanced up at the cashier as I could feel his deep blue eyes staring down into me, practically burning a hole through my skin. I looked down studying the two packs of beer sitting on the counter in front of me before nodding, I knew this could possibly end with the cops being called on me once again. "Can I see your ID?" shit.

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