Chapter 2 - The Party

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We pulled up to the huge house hidden back into the woods, Ryan quickly slammed the back of his hand against my chest making me turn to look at him with wide eyes feeling the stinging sensation run over my skin. "Ryan, chill." I said grabbing onto his wrist and pulling his hand away from my chest then resting my palm over the spot he hit me, softly rubbing along my chest as if that would help the slight stinging.

"Sorry, It's just I can't help myself when I'm around her." He laughed quietly as he dragged his hands over his face.

I couldn't help but laugh too. "I know, I mean it's pretty obvious." I glanced over at him and then back over to Nikki's house. "C'mon let's go already so I can see you freak out over Nikki." I smirked nudging his shoulder, opening my door and stepping out of the car letting the cool breeze hit me.

"Don't embarrass me this time, okay?" Ryan croaked, I turned back looking at him popping my eyebrow as I let out a chuckle.

"Ah, don't worry if anyone's going to embarrass you it'll be yourself." He glared at me slamming his door shut then locking it.

"Shut up." He groaned walking beside me as we headed into Nikki's place.


Everyone was just starting to arrive, all I could hear was yelling teens and loud music. The bass was making the house shake, which I guess really isn't a problem since the house is set back in the woods. I made my way into the kitchen past all the sweaty teen bodies, moving towards the counter and grabbing a bottle of Smirnoff vodka and turning around and going to the stairs traveling up and into Nikki's parents room. For some reason I always liked to drink in here, it made me feel safer since no one else ever dared to enter this room. Besides her parents loved me and wouldn't mind me being in here, if they knew what I was doing in here maybe but doubt it since they've always let Nikki and I drink in the house. I slipped off my black stiletto heels which I wore especially for this party, I don't know why really but I guess I like to look nice at these things. I lightly dropped the bottle of vodka on the queen bed before crawling onto it and picking up the bottle and twisting it open, smiling as the sweet bitter smell fills my senses.

I stared down at the bottle through my mascara coated lashes before shutting them and bringing the glass bottle up to my lips, tilting back my head as I let my mouth fill with the liquid. Taking a sharp breath as I swallow letting it move down my throat as it burned slightly as it made its way down, smiling wider as I bring the bottle back down letting it rest on my left thigh. I held onto the bottle with my right hand letting my left index finger slowly circle around the opening of the bottle. I move my head back up breaking my gaze with the bottle, looking around the bedroom. I started to move off the bed and over to the vanity, setting the bottle down I move my eyes up to the mirror studying my face. My mascara was starting to flake, I wiped my clammy hands along under my eyes wiping away the little black flakes.

I stared back at myself in the mirror, studying my lips and how puffy they seemed to be. Maybe it was just me but the looked thicker than usual. The bags under my eyes seemed to catch most of my attention though, I couldn't stand how they looked I guess they weren't that noticeable but I can't help but notice them. I notice everything about myself and I do mean everything, from the little scars along my chest to the ones on my knuckles. I could even notice the smallest details like freckles on my hands that you can barely see. I was locked deep into my thoughts but I quickly snapped out of them as I turned around quickly hearing the door starting to open, I started looking the long figure up and down knitting my eyebrows together as the figure in the doorway began to speak.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2014 ⏰

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