Im not a bat

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* I walked out on the flight deck to enjoy what little freedom I had looking up I saw slinger laying in her back with her feet in the air watching as the clouds passed over walking over slowly i kneel down next to her head*
" hey....uhh pokey whatcha doing"
* she slowly turns her head and stares at me with so much anger I fall back into my ass and just watch her as she slowly rolls over and stands up, she glears at me then transforms to her normal for smiling wide *
" IhaveCripplingdepression"
* I tilt my head to the side *
" say what now "
* she takes a deep breath and yells *
" I....have ...kayon "
* I look over at the green and blue Predacon as he walks over and sighs *
" she said miss terracon, that she has crippling depression "
* he sighs wile Patting her head *
" poor poor little twin, I'm so sorry you mu....AHHHHH....LET MY FRAGGEN LEG GOOO!!!!!!!"
* as his voice gets higher and higher, I remember seeing is slinger attached to kayons leg wile he runs around trying to get her off laughing as I watch them*
" the frag just happened ..."
* I look over as knockout runs over trying to detach slinger from kayon, looking at breakdown I stand up*
" the frag if I know ....they confuse me"
* we both start laughing as we hear *
" my fraggen bats will pay "
* I look over at slinger as she picks up her forge walking slowly over to him*
" I'm....not ...a....bat..."
* she swings her hammer missing knockout and hitting Soundwave full force making him slam into Megatron who just walked onto the flight deck who with momentum slams into me and we slid we hit predaking me being squished between Soundwave and Megatron *
" ow ...get the ....Frag off me"
* we watch as she walks off slowly *
* we all hear see a mumble as kayon whispers *
" so a bat "
* and next all was heard was a loud clang and slinger flung the forge at kayon hitting him in the head...I start laughing as breakdown was the best day ever *

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