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Dai-sy, Dai-sy... give me your
answer do. I go crazy all for the
love of you...

3 mischievous teens are out late at night laughing and sneaking around a parking lot. One teen pulls out a camera and films 2 teen girls kissing in a car. One VERY mischievous teen uploads the video and shares it with everyone. Meanwhile, everyone's buzz and they pull it out. 2 words...: WATCH ME; are on their phones. Teenagers being teenagers are curious so they press the link and the sexy video begins to play ruining the 2 bi-curious teens life

  Audrey Jenson is editing film footage on her computer. Her room is decorated steam-punk cool. French film posters. A collage-in-progress
made up of Polaroids, clippings, etc...
On screen, an I'm appears from “ARKGUY98”: “Have you seen this?”
and the “WATCH ME” link appears beneath. Audrey clicks.
The video plays. At first, Audrey doesn’t understand what she’s
watching, then... she pauses the video. The frozen frame
reveals clearly that she is one of the girls.
Audrey’s horrified. She turns to see a man with a pastor’s
collar standing in the doorway. He’s seen the video. Crap.
Audrey says,"Dad? I’m sorry..."
He walks away from Audrey, mortified.


At the Patterson's house, a tipsy Nina Patterson and Tyler O'Neil pull up and park in front of the house. "’s not cyberbullying, it’s the
time-honored enforcement of the
teen food chain. The weak are
outed. Then eaten." Nina says.  "Your one mean drunk" Tyler responds.
"Oh please. You agreed that video
was just too good to trash." Nina  scoffs.
Tyler leans in, nuzzling Nina. His hands roam over her body. Officer, she made me do it. She
makes me do a lot of things...
Nina ignores him, clicking through a few social media sites on
her smartphone.
"Twitter’s all over it. Facebook
too." She smirks.
As Tyler tries to kiss her, he says,
"Why don’t you make me a drink while
we break the internet? I know your
parents are still out of town..."
Nina responds for a moment then shrugs him off of her.
"Yeahhhh... no." Nina says.
"Come on... you always say that." Tyler whines.
"Ty, I’ve been there and I’m most
definitely done with that." Nina says.
Nina opens the door and heads to her house.
Tyler appears to take the rejection in stride but one last
glance at his face shows that he’s smoldering with rejection. Nina enters and greets her tiny white-furred yappy dog, Sage,
with more enthusiasm than most humans ever get from her.
"Sage, sweetie, yes, mama’s back
from the trenches." Nina jokes. Later that night, Nina glances at her bed but she’s still too wired to sleep. She
slinks out of her jeans. As she pulls off her shirt, she didn't notice that the red light of there computer's web cam is on. Nina slides out of her underwear and bra. Nina pulls on a sexy bikini and shrugs into a robe.As she heads downstairs, Sage yapping at her feet, Nina hears a
*DING* from her phone. She pulls it from her pocket.
She’s received a Snapchat image from Tyler. She just catches a
Glimpse of... Her in lacy undies sliding her jeans off from moments before.
Closing her cell phone, Nina frowns and says, "WTF?" Then the image is gone. Hours pass and Nina is mixing a vodka-tonic. Her phone *DINGS* again. It’s another
Snapchat image of NINA pulling on her bikini. Nina says to herself, "Oh, Ty, you are skating on restraining order lake. She takes a sip of her drink and *DING*, a text arrives from
Tyler: “Am I on thin ice?”
Nina stops cold. Did he hear her? She looks around the house. Nina calls out: "Tyler? If you are in my house..."
Pissed-off, Nina checks the alarm panel by the back door. All
the lights are red. No doors open. No breaches. A HANDHELD SHOT shows Nina checking a few rooms: quiet living
room with one timer-lit lamp on... den with shelves of daddy’s
law books... mud room with coats on hooks and golf clubs.
Nina re-enters the kitchen. Not scared. Almost amused.
Nina calls out again:
"Sage is a trained attack Maltese.
She will gut you on command, Ty."
She hears another *DING* from her phone. Gets another Snapchat
image: it shows her checking the security panel. That’s when
Nina notices the glowing RED LIGHT on the webcam of the desktop
computer at the kitchen’s office nook.
She grins as she figures out the game. She thinks...
A text arrives from Tyler: “Shouldn’t you be carrying a butcher
knife and showing more cleavage by now?”
Nina walks to the webcam, smiles suggestively and bends low to
give the camera the benefit of her cleavage.
Nina smirks and says,
"That’s as close as you’re getting
tonight, hacker boy. "
And Nina snaps the web cam off.
Nina emerges onto the patio and a MOTION-DETECTOR LIGHT clicks
on. Nina nudges Sage back inside with her foot.
She shuts the door and walks toward the pool/spa area, the
motion light clicking off behind her.
Nina presses buttons on the spa controls. The automatic cover
slides off. Steam rises into the night as the tub quietly
bubbles to life. Nina untangles some earbuds on her MP3 player,
about to get in when
The motion light by the house CLICKS ON again. Nina stops,
looks back to the house, but sees no one in the light.
"Tyler..?" Nina questions.
A beat. Silence.
The light clicks off, casting that area back into darkness.
Nina looks a little disappointed. She grabs her phone. Types.“Was that you?”
A moment later, a reply *DING*: “Maybe. Is this a booty text?”
Nina grins. Types: “I may have underestimated you.”
Nina arches her neck as she lets her robe drop.
*DING*. “You’re beautiful.”
Nina types: “Then get over here and do something about it.”
Nina lowers herself into the water and lets out a satisfied
Sigh. She sits her phone down on the patio. And waits for Tyler.
Inside, her dog begins BARKING. The motion light again CLICKS
ON by the house, Nina looks up just as...
Something THUMPS onto the patio and ROLLS, ROLLS, ROLLS toward
her until it falls into the hot tub.
Nina only caught a glimpse, but it was... it couldn’t be...
As she feels in the water and pulls the object out, REVEAL:
The motion detector light is SMASHED by someone unseen and
shards of glass rain onto the patio...
Nearly hyperventilating with panic, Nina scrambles out, banging
her knee sharply on the lip of the hot tub.
Sage is still inside, BARKING FURIOUSLY.
Nina’s eyes scan the darkness as she fumbles for her phone,
desperately trying to tap 9-1-1 with wet fingers. No luck.
Finally, she holds the main button down on her smart phone,
initiating voice-activated commands.

Nina frantically whispers, "Call 911."
The Siri-style APP responds obediently.
The smart phone says, "Calling Pottery Barn."
Nina curses under her breath. Drops the phone. She runs to the
sliding door leading back into the house. Tries to open it, but
it’s locked. It’s dark. She’s terrified.
Sage stares at her through the glass, BARKING a warning. Nina looks up and just catches a glimpse -- reflected in the
glass door -- of a FIGURE with a wicked-sharp CURVED BLADE.
Her body jerks violently. And then he’s gone.
She turns around and realized that she’s been slashed
horizontally across the back. A split second later, blood
SHEETS down from the red line. Nina SCREAMS in agony...
She spins to face her attacker but he’s gone. Nina runs as fast as she can to the back gate, slipping on the wet cement and her
own blood. Almost going down.
She fumbles at the back gate’s handle but it’s locked. Then she
hears her phone *RING*. Nina turns and zeroes in on the lit
screen on the cement patio twenty yards away...
Looking around, trying to sense where he is, she BOLTS for the
phone. Picks it up. Her finger is finally dry enough for her to
slide the “answer” bar and raise it to her ear.
A creepy auto tuned voice says,
"I told you to get a knife."
She turns around quickly and realizes the killer is right behind her.
He plunges his knife into her. Nina GASPS.
And music goes SILENT as everything  goes BLACK. The
darkness is ominous. Humming with a low BASS NOTE OF DREAD.
Then a soft BUMPING noise fades up, almost like a heartbeat...
ON EACH BEAT, and the image appears and disappears
Nina’s discarded earbuds, still playing a tinny tune.
Sage pawing at the glass door and whining.
The smartphone’s home screen... a gorgeous smiling Nina.
And finally we discover the source of the bumping sound...
TYLER’S HEAD spins in an eddy created by the jets, bumping
rhythmically against the side of the hot tub.
Out of the darkness, Nina stumbles across the cement weakly,
desperate to escape. Nina finds herself teetering at the edge
of the pool. A soft FOOTSTEP behind her. She turns just as a
perimeter motion detector light CLICKS ON:
The killer is perfectly silhouetted by the glaring
light behind him. A pitch black angel of death. The killer takes off the mask. Nina gasps and glares weakly. " It's you, h-how c-could you do this?" Nina stutters. The killer just tilts it's head and walks closer.
Nina attempts to say, "Please, don’t--"
But the killer SLASHES across her throat with samurai speed.
BLOOD SPLATS on the cement as Nina’s body falls into the pool. Her arms, legs and hair splay out angelically as blood spreads
from her like a rosy halo...
CLOSE ON THE WATER’S SURFACE as the bloody waves begin to die
down... eventually revealing a chilling reflection:
The KILLER stares, it's elongated visage -- reminiscent of
Edward Munch’s THE SCREAM -- at first seeming to be a trick of
the watery reflection.
But then come to realize it’s a face. A mask made of flesh.


Just to you guys know I DO NOT OWN THIS SCRIPT. I added some of my own parts in here but other than that this DOES NOT BELONG TO ME

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2017 ⏰

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