Chapter 1

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"If someone kicks you down get up and kick them harder."

[Edited, again heh]

Black, that's all I saw around me until this blinding light appeared around me. I didn't feel like myself. I felt like I was looking through someone else but I know I was myself. This man was talking to me but I couldn't fully see him. He was blurry and his voice was muffled. I could only hear his tone of voice but no words. His outline reached forward and placed his hand on my shoulder. Right before my vision sharpened my mind went blank and he disappeared.

Bark. My eyes fluttered open and I looked down to my floor seeing Athena there. I smiled and picked her up, laying her on my bed where she snuggled into my blankets. I grabbed my journal out of my nightstand drawer and wrote about my dream before I forgot it completely. I mentally reminded myself to try and draw him later when I had more time. I quickly got up and headed to my bathroom. I hopped into my shower quickly before getting ready. Once I was done getting dressed, I walked halfway down my stairs to the first landing just to stop because of my dog whining behind me. "Come on, Athena, you can do it!" she slowly came down with me "Good girl!" We went all the way down the stairs slowly only to see her dish empty and my parents had gone to work. I looked down at Athena with a guilty look. "I'm sorry girl, they must have been in a hurry." I quickly filled her bowl as I grabbed a blueberry muffin, I had baked a few nights ago with a small glass of milk. We both were about done eating at the same time, so I grabbed my school bag and Athena's doggy harness. "Alright, Athena, let's hope Grandma Betty will watch you." I walked up to my car climbing in and setting my pup in the small dog bed on the passenger side. I drove with one hand on the wheel and the other slowly petting Athena until I pulled up to the front of Betty's house. When I got out of my car, I saw a few guys to the right of her house maybe 20 feet away, but I disregarded their stares even though I got a weird feeling that one of them was extremely familiar.

I ignored the feeling and got out of the truck with Athena in my arms seeing Grandma Betty smiling at us. "Hello, Scarlett, it has been way too long." I chuckled, "It's only been two days Betty." She huffed reaching out to us. "Still, I missed your amazing smile sweetheart." I laughed again, hugging her with Athena in my arms. She took a step back analyzing the pup. "Now who is this?" I sighed nervously "Well this is my puppy Athena, and I was hoping you could look after her?" She smiled warmly, opening her arms and taking Athena "You know I have no trouble watching her." I nodded, kissing her on the cheek. "Thanks so much." Jumping into my car I waved goodbye to her and before leaving I texted Jamie.

Jamie is one of my good friends and someone I can get along with no matter what situation we are in. If we have a small fight we sit and bicker then just laugh it off because we aren't going to have some silly argument come between us. When it comes to her love life though, yikes. I have a feeling this year might be different though, but we'll see what happens.

As I was texting Jamie my phone started ringing and, guess who? "Hello Jamie, I wasn't texting you or anything." I could hear her snicker for a bit "Yeah well maybe I'm just psychic." I propped my phone up on my dash and started towards her house knowing she was gonna want me to pick her up. I sighed knowing she wanted to rant "So what's up Jamie?" She huffed "my Ex rides my bus that's what's up." I chuckled "I'm on my way, don't worry." She hung up and I continued my way towards her house. 

While I pulled up into her driveway the bus went by and Jamie ran out very quickly jumping into my vehicle. I just shook my head and started heading to our school. Jamie grabbed the aux cord and started playing some of her favorite music and I just allowed it knowing she was in a mood. We pulled into the parking lot and I parked where I usually do, near the door. Jamie and I got out of my car and walked into the building and towards our first class, gym. Jamie kept making huffing noises so I finally snapped, "Okay, spill, what's going on?" she huffed "Will is just pissing me off again. He kept texting me last night and even tried calling me, but I didn't answer him this time." I nodded in approval "Well I'm glad you listened to me for once." She rolled her eyes and we walked into the gymnasium seeing a couple of people there before us for once. 

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