Chapter 8:Back In Arendelle

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[back in Arendelle, the town is completely covered in snow and two men argue in the town square]

Man #1: No, no. You've got the bark facing down. The bark needs to be face-up.

Man #2: Bark down is drier!

they both start pulling at the bark

Man #1: Bark up!

Man #1: Bark down!

we then see Hannah and two guards giving out cloaks to the people

Hannah: Cloak? Does anyone need a cloak?

She offers one to a woman

Woman: Arendelle is indebted to you, your Highness.

Hannah: The castle is open. There is soup and hot glogg in the Great Hall.

She hands the stack of cloaks in hand to a guard

Hannah: Here. Pass these out.

At that moment the Duke walks towards her with this two guards

Duchess: Princess Hannah, are we just expected to sit here and freeze while you give away all of Arendelle's tradeable goods?

Hannah: Prince Andrew has given his orders...

Duchess: And that's another thing! Has it dawned on you that your prince may be conspiring with a wicked sorceress to destroy us all?

Hannah: Do not question the Prince. He left me in charge, and I will not hesitate to protect Arendelle from treason.

Duke: Treason?!

[Andrew's horse returns looking frightened]

Hannah: Woh! Woh! Woh, boy. Easy. Easy.

[Hannah steadies the horse and the crowd start panicking]

Voice of Man: That's Prince Andrew's horse. 

Voice of Woman: But where is the Prince?

[Hannah looks out to the mountain and then turns to face the crowd]

Hannah: Prince Andrew is in trouble. I need volunteers to go with me to find him.

some of the crowd step forward to volunteer

Duchess: I volunteer two men, my Madam!

to his two guards

Duchess: Be prepared for anything. And should you encounter the King, you are to put an end to this winter. Do you understand?


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