Haylie and Tanner pt 1

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She sat there, legs tucked up beneath her, on her phone. A small smile spread on his face. She was always on her phone, trying to hide from the rest of the world. His smile faltered a bit however, when he seen her eyes. They were tired, puffy and a bit reddish, But they still held the joy they always did. That joy, was what drew him to her in the first place. They held a fierceness too. As if she was furiously happy and there wasn't anything anyone could do about it. It was intoxicating. He found that he had stopped in front of her, staring. "Hey."
"Hey" she said her face shifted from her phone screen to his face, a bit sluggish. Her eyes, their intensity, drove holes into him. He felt like she could see through straight through him. He shook his head, trying to escape the reverent trance her eyes caused him. He shifted his eyes upwards to her hair. It was pulled up and twisted into a knot on the top of her head. She didn't usually wear her hair that way on Sundays, he thought to himself. He crinkled his brows, taking note of what she was wearing. A pair of grey sweatpants and a similarly grey tee-shirt. He looked at her face again, frown deepening. She had purple bags under her eyes, deep and bruise like. She was tired. "Hard week?" He asked, knowing it was an understatement. "You have no idea.." she said before launching into a detailed description of her busy weekend. Her words started to shift and run together, and he let them. Letting himself enjoy the sound of her voice as he stared at her face. She was tired, run down. He wished he could make the lines in her face disappear. He wished he could brighten her eyes and lift her smile. She had stopped talking. He snapped his eyes up to hers. Their eyes locked and the magic of her blue eyes threatened to drown him. Then. just for a moment, he could swear that he seen something on her eyes. Something he hadn't seen there before. Their eyes locked. In that moment they held something between them, Something unnamed and unseen. Their gaze broke, neither knowing who looked away first.

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