in the ambulance

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Belles pov

So when we were in they started giving him I.V lines and blood so I was worried and I know that he was to. They gave him some oxygen but it doesn't seem to work so they gave him more air pressure in the mask which brought his oxygen levels up. "How are you coming along" "sore mom" "don't worry about anything right now just focus on getting better" so after a few minutes they got to the hospital, they started to cut his clothes off, they got him hooked up to the monter, I.V lines they did so much test I couldn't keep up then he wook up "hi Ben are you okay" "I think so" "do you need anything" "no, I don't know anymore mom I'm just stressed out about something, I can't talk about it" "is it because you and mal, broke up" "how did you know" "Mal told me" "now I can't focus, mom I don't want to be king anymore" "if you tell your dad that he will be so mad" "I know but I can't deal with all this pressure about being royal perfect. I have a kingdom to run also I have to take care of mal and Ariel and I have school" "I know this is to much for you and I had the same issue when I was Queen and so did your dad, see a lot of  people who just became royal has a tough time and believe, me I just got over it like 2 months ago, but now I'm not running the kingdom you and mal are" "I love you mom" "I love you to know go to sleep you have a big day Tomorrow

Sorry guys I won't be able to update until Saturday so love you guys and I'll update on Saturday.

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