Poems to my bestfriend/sister Destiny
The day I met you you didn't know, but I gave you a key never to be sold. This key is special and was made for you handcrafted by joy and love, special and true. This key I bestowed upon you is the key to my life. Please use It wise.
Dear sis, We met a year ago, a special memory I treasure near, That day, a feeling I've never had struck me like lightening,confidence. What was I confident about you ask? A friendship forever never to be broke, but even more a new sister. But, that was only the beginning, A couple months later, I felt that you had the same feelings about me, it was great. And now, here we are a year later calling each other sis. If you ever leave me sis and throw away that special key, then I will have no other choice but to commit suicide. My purpose, was to meet you and if it was broken what would be the point in life? Sis, I absolutely positively will always love you no matter what happens. And I would.love to be in the grave with you dancing to wrecking ball.
A bond was made the day we met caught up tangled in a net . Life had lightened up for me blue skies and winter breeze. A true sister bond never to be broke and if the circle shall be broke my life will crash before my eyes ill mope around and eventually die cause desi your the one that opened my eyes
Dear sis, When my problems get to big for me to handle I don't get scared. Because I know you'll be there. Things happen we have ups and downs but I hate to see you frown. I can always count on you no matter when. We are ment to be friends to the end. The kindness you've shown, tells me we are sister's down to the bone. Luv u sis happy valentines day!!
A poem for my friend Ally who cuts.
She smiles to hide the pain inside. She cuts to take her mind off life. She cries to feel relieved. It's hard for her to sleep. Her boyfriend says he loves her but she won't believe it. He calls her beautiful she won't accept it. Her life is chaos one minute happy the next minute blades comeout. Her stress builds up each day. But, what she doesn't realize is that one day she will achieve her goal, her stress will leave people she loves will weep, she will be buried deep beneath the ground forevermore.Will this means no more scars?
A poem for those girls on Valentines day who have no boyfriend
Roses are red violets are blue someday youll find the right guy for you!
Happy Valentines day, Hope its great your lover is probaly late he will step out of his carrige and sweep you up off your feet give you millions of kisses isnt that sweet?