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The next day, Seungbae sat in the hospital room while Soo Jung the nurse explained to Yoonbum what the process for his treatment would be. He hadn't spoken since Seungbae had left yesterday, and he wouldn't eat either.

"Your legs should be just fine, although you might need a bit of physical therapy because they'll atrophy a bit while they're healing. As for your head, we'll probably keep you here for about another week to keep an eye on it. That's about it, I guess. You'll probably be able to get out of here in about a week and a half, okay?"

He didn't respond. Soo Jung sighed and looked over at Seungbae, who shrugged. After exchanging some looks, she turned back to him and continued talking.

"Actually that's not completely true. Your body will be healthy after that but obviously you've been through some pretty traumatic things. We've arranged for you to be in an outpatient program here. You'll be able to go home at the end of the day. Unfortunately, you don't really have a say because we can't release people who aren't better. If you have any questions you can, ah, nevermind. I'll come back later."

She bustled out of the room with her clipboard in hand. After she had left, Seungbae tried in vain to strike up conversations with Yoonbum. He even tried to catch his attention by bringing up his testimony, but he got no reaction. Frustrated and hopeless, Seungbae got up and started to leave when he heard Yoonbum say his name. He turned back around, relieved.

"You have to get her to let me out sooner. I want to get out of here as soon as possible."

"Why do you say that? I know you know you need to talk about it. And you can't leave until you're physically healthy anyway."

Yoonbum looked ashamed. He looked away as the color started to rise to his cheeks.

"Well I can't really pay for it. I can't afford this hospital bill as it is. Knowing my landlord, she's probably already rented my apartment out, so I need to start working to afford somewhere to stay. And also," he blushed even harder, "it's scary staying here alone at night. Sometimes I wake up and think I'm back... there."

Seungbae felt a pang of sympathy. Yoonbum looked so scared and helpless he wanted to wrap his arms around him and protect him from the world. It was true, hospital bills were never cheap, but Seungbae knew if they brought it up in court, the judge would make Sangwoo pay for it. But the outpatient program wouldn't work if Yoonbum had nowhere to stay. And Seungbae didn't want to make Yoonbum stay overnight in the hospital for another month after he got released, especially if it was bringing back bad memories.

"I'll tell you what: how about if I get the doctor to let you out in a week and you can come stay with me. I'll take you to therapy and you can sleep at my place."

Yoonbum looked up at Seungbae and he almost smiled. Seungbae had never seen him so happy, and he knew he had said the right thing. He smiled briefly, but then developed a more serious face.

"Hey, you really need to start eating. I understand why you weren't and why you wouldn't talk but now you're talking to me so that's at least progress, but... I want you to be better and I'm willing to help you in any way I can, but this is something you have to do on your own, okay?"

Yoonbum nodded resignedly. Suddenly, out of nowhere, Seungbae's phone rang, making Yoonbum jump. After assuring him everything was okay, Seungbae picked up,

"Hey, it's me," Seungbae recognized Gi's voice on the other side, "we spoke to the judge about what you proposed yesterday, and he was a little hesitant, but I think we found a compromise. He said he would need to have the victim testify in person, but that he didn't need to physically go to court."

"Okay, great, but how are we going to do that? I'm guessing they won't be satisfied with just a phone call."

"But see that's the thing! He said it would be fine if he just called in on a video chat. That should work, right?"

"Yeah that's perfect. Thanks so much, Nam. I've got to go but I really appreciate it."

He hung up and looked hopefully at Yoonbum, who wore an expectant expression. Suddenly Seungbae didn't feel as lighthearted. Yoonbum didn't even know anything about the trial yet, nevermind that he would have to testify. He knew he wouldn't be happy.

"So, uh, Yoonbum. That was one of my coworkers, she's working on investigation and the legal process of your case. Basically, there has to be a trial. Don't worry, there's no way they're going to let him go, we just have to go through the process for legal reasons. But, the thing is... they want you to testify. You're going to have to tell the judge everything."

His heart sunk at the terror on Yoonbum's face. He started to shake his head aggressively, and he wrapped his arms around himself.

"I c-can't... can't s-see him again... I don't want to, Seungbae."

The panic was clear in his face. Seungbae sat on the bed and placed his hands on Yoonbum's shoulders, trying to calm him down. He turned to Seungbae with a terrified expression, and Seungbae started to speak again in a calm voice,

"You won't have to see him. We've arranged so all you have to do is a video call. You'll just have to talk to the judge, and then it'll be all over. They'll lock him up forever and you won't have to worry about it anymore."

"No, Seungbae you don't understand. If h-he hears me testify he'll know I'm turning him in. He's going to kill me, I can't do it!"

"Hey, hey, it's okay. He's not going to touch you, believe me. He's under heavy security, there's no way he could escape. If you want I'll sit with you during your testimony. You'll be totally safe, I promise. Look, I know this is going to be hard but it's like I said before: this is one of those things you just have to do. But I'll protect you, okay? You don't have to worry."

Yoonbum still looked very hesitant, but Seungbae could tell he would be able to do it. He was feeling much better about the whole thing until Yoonbum started to panic again. Seungbae couldn't calm him down, and he started to speak quickly,

"Seungbae you don't understand. This is all my fault. It's my fault all this happened. I-I idolized him. I was obsessed, so one day I just went to his house. I just wanted to be close to him, but... then... and they can't know! What if they let him go because of me? I caused this!"

Seungbae looked at Yoonbum, shocked and not knowing what to say. He couldn't believe what he had heard...

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