Oban Star Racers: Birthday Surprise

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Prelude: The sun baked the worn paths of Alwas and her rays beat down upon six individuals that were too busy to notice or care about the heart; these six individuals were Stan, Koji, Jordan and, Rick of the Earth team and Prince Aikka and Canaan of the Nourasian team. Both teams were heading to Oban the following Monday morning or late Sunday evening; the six had become frantic after Molly the Earth pilot did not return from town after a harsh telling off by the manager of the Earth team Don Wei (who didn't know Molly was really his daughter Eva). Now they ran about searching for the missing pilot; Aikka and Jordan had let the past go and were now good friends. In fact everyone on the Earth team was friendly with the Nourasians excepting Don Wei (he who refused to trust anyone that opposed Earth in the race); Don had not ordered the search but the friends had readily agreed Molly (Eva) needed to be found A.S.A.P.

Now then on with the beginning of the story: Jordan skidded to a halt panting for breath; Aikka also came to halt upon seeing Jordan. The others soon joined them; Koji wiped his glasses that had fogged up from the heat. "Well?" Rick said, "Market is a no." Stan said, "Stores are void of her too." Koji added putting his glasses back on; Jordan scratched his head "Where would she be?" he wondered looking at Rick. "I checked the temple hideouts and she's not there." Rick said; they all wondered if she was going to make good to her threat to Don. "I hope she isn't going to make good of her threat and I quote, I will leave and never come back!" Jordan said; Canaan was worried too though it was for a different reason. He was reminded of Tashki when he was younger; he had said the same thing when incensed by his Ti-Chi master. "Surely she wouldn't do that." Aikka said. "With the way Don treats her she just might Aikka." Rick said seriously, "It wouldn't surprise me if she made good to her threat." Rick sighed hoping she was all right, he being like her big brother cared about her safety. "I say we check the fields." Stan said, Aikka and Canaan agreed to check it out they being the ones having the enhanced senses. The Nourasians headed out tired but determined to find the missing teen pilot; Canaan wondered if this is what humans meant by I'm getting to old for this. He certainly never minded old age because like most Nourasians he was a knight until the day he died; Canaan would not die anytime soon as most Nourasians lived well past the human age of 100. Sighing he wondered if Aikka was close to being spent as far as energy went; the prince had certainly slowed his step since they started looking this morning, but then again it was not as hot in the morning. They trekked on checking the ruins that Canaan deemed safe; the sun continued to beat down baking the ground.

What the search team didn't know was that Eva was actually as far from harm as a teen could possibly be depending on whom you asked; Eva had left in huff on purpose thanking the lord for Zoë teaching her how to act angry (not that it was hard around Don). Once Eva was sure she was out of earshot she'd run strait into the tunnel where she usually met Toros to chat about the race or other things. Let them look for me for a while, I'm perfectly safe with Toros, Rush and, Spirit. Yes Eva was spending time with her newfound friends, but it was not to have tea and chat it was to plan a surprise party for Aikka and Canaan whose birthdays were tomorrow; the others had readily agreed something kind hearted would not harm the weary racer and his teacher. Birthdays only came once every year after all so they are to be celebrated and enjoyed with friends and family; even G'dar was in on the party. Eva had spent the night in the alleyway for two reasons: 1. She needed to calm down after being told off by Don Wei and 2. She needed to make her friends believe she was not coming back to finish the race thus creating a distraction. Regrets? Eva had none; her friends deserved to be happy during this stressful time. Eva now stood amongst her friends ready to finalize the details of the surprise party; on Toros's communicator Kratos, Kréton, Jamie and Stanley looked out at the party planners. Eva suddenly remembered that her team would want in and asked Toros for a bit of help in that department, Toros smiled glad to help her. The other humans fought until they saw her standing over them smiling deviously, Rick got it and laughed. "Little mouse you are a devil." Jordan and the mechanics were brought up to speed about the crog disease and readily jumped on the idea of helping with the party, Jordan and Rick were in charge of blindfolding the two birthday men and leading them here. Stan and Koji had decorations and appropriate music, Spirit was in charge of cake being a great chef and Rush was in charge of bringing drinks appropriate for adults and teens. The present was left to those on Nourasia that knew about the party; everyone broke heading out to get ready for the next day. The people on Nourasia had been warned by Satis that a module would come to pick them up and would leave for Alwas roughly 10 minutes after landing. Eva trekked out to the ruins where Rick said Aikka and Canaan were looking for her; Eva climbed on top of a temple that stood in the water a few yards out. Naturally the extra weight buckled the ruins thus the three people got soaked to the bone by cold water; Eva knew after running around all day the two Nourasians would feel refreshed by the cold water. G'dar came and pulled them out of the water; Canaan steered him while Aikka warmed up with Eva. "I was worried." Aikka said to her, "Sorry I was just mad at Don." Eva replied, Aikka smiled, "I should have known you would be on ruins that would sink." Eva laughed, "Yea guess I'm a water magnet." Canaan smiled knowing that was true; in the growing dusk his smile was hidden, though Eva knew he found that joke amusing. Aikka was shivering, "You all right?" Eva asked feeling him shivering. "Just cold Molly." He replied; she wrapped her blanket around him while still inside it causing him to blush. "I don't bite Aikka." She teased and he smiled. "I know Molly." Eva was dry by the time they let her down in their pit though Aikka and Canaan were still damp; she thanked them for the ride and went to bed. "She is different." Canaan mused as they headed up to change into dry clothes. "Yes and that is why she is a good friend Canaan." Aikka replied and the elder knight nodded in agreement.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2014 ⏰

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