The Caring

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"I love you so much," He said tickling his beautiful love "Of course you do, stupid," She laughed she ran away from him. "You are the most important thing ev-," He stopped talking as he watched his love fall on the ground. "NAYA!!" He sprinted pulling his hand torward hears as he fell over her screaming for help.

Everything was slow and terrifying as he yelled her to wake up. He wasn't sure if he should stay there and keep yelling for help or get up and get help, and so he picked her up and ran for the help they needed.

(2 years later)

She was acting different, every smile was a frown, every laugh was a cry, and every dream was nightmare. Nobody knew what was wrong with her, not even me.

She wasn't herself anymore and she wouldn't do many things we used to, to think she is only 17 and she has already had so many surgerys, how normal.

Never normal...

And she hates it. I try everything but then she says leave me alone and shuts me out.

We never go to the beach because she is scared of showing of her scars on her body from the surgerys.

Her lungs were failing... Even though it was two years ago I can still hear the thump of her fall and the pain in my chest when she hit the ground.

As I walk in her room so we can go to school she stares into the mirror with tears in her eyes. "You okay?" I say opening the door wider to see her full room.

Her room wasn't as bright anymore, the walls had dark purple paint covering the once light green walls. Her dressers were white but had a grey tint to them, and her bed covers were black including her pillow case.

"I don't know, not anymore," She turned around to look up at me. I walked into the room and asked sitting on her bed. "What do you mean by 'not anymore'?" She looked up at me for a minute with full black eyes and forced a small smile. "You don't love me anymore do you? How can I blame you, I mean I have been in to many surgerys to count already these four months, you don't have to do this anymore, just....just-" She fell to her nee's crying.

I got down on the ground with her rapping my arms around her. "No no no, I love you more than anything." And I wasn't lying I loved her so much to the point I would do anything even die.

I kissed her nose which made her push me and stand up. Looking down at me she started yelling. "NO! NO! YOU DONT IS THE PROBLEM!" She ran out of her room making me stand up and run after her.

As I followed her she ran out the door and and to the bridge making me curious she slowed down and walked towards the railing, I stared and started to panic running with everything I had.

She climbed the fence and stood there for a second staring down at her doom, she looked back at me as I got closer and whispered. "Im sorry." My eyes got wide and my speed got faster as she let go of the fence and started falling.

I leaped to her and grabbed onto her hand making her dangle of of the bridge. "Let go!" She said kicking her feet around and grabbing onto my hand trying to claw it off. "NO!" I said pulling her up. Tears started up in my eyes as I realized that these two years Naya was depressed, how could I have not noticed.

Once I finally yank her up I grab her and held her so tight I could feel her heart beating... It was beating so fast.

This time she didn't push me away.

I let go and we both walked back to her house silently we deside not to go to school and make up an excuse and say we didn't feel good. I stare at her the whole time silently as she stares at the floor with dead eyes.

"Why? Why didn't you tell anyone?" I said grabbing her hand. She looked back up at me, making me look away cause I couldn't handle the death and suffering.

"Im not supposed to be sad, Im not supposed to be anything... Dont you see Im just a big mess up... A big mess up."

I hugged her even more than I could. And whispered, "Aren't we all?"

She giggled a little and sniffed.

"Just promise me one thing," I said kissing her head. "Promise me you will love me forever." She looked up at me with her green eyes, she had such beautiful eyes. "I promise." She said in a breath.

She laughed and we stared at each other for a long time.

I love her with everything I have.

The End

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2017 ⏰

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