Charlie and The Zombie Factory

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Read this with a bit of humor lol

Charlie & The Zombie Factory

         “Well whats wrong with him?” Wonka was in the infirmary of his factory where two very sick Oompa Loompas lay on cots surrounded by walls covered in candy flavored wall paper. Wonka adjusted his purple suit and checked the time, his five special guests would be arriving soon and a delay is not what Wonka liked.

         “They are the testers for the new regenerating chocolate bar. After they ate it the packing did its job and regenerated another chocolate bar to replace the other but these two started feeling sick.” The medical Oompa said waddling between the beds.

         “Just keep your eyes on them.” Wonka turned on his heel and walked out the door while the doctor checked the vitals of the two.

         “They’re dead.” The doctor hung his head. He had seen a few Oompa go since they came to this factory, accidentally boilings and meltings of the Oompa were quite common. And more than once had one of the golden egg laying goose pecked the eyes out of an Oompa. But as he pulled the sheets up over the first Oompa its eyes opened and a growl emitted.


         “It’s almost time Grandpa. I can’t wait any longer!”  young Charlie Bucket yelled holding his Grandpa Joe’s hand.

         Media were gathered outside the Wonka Factory cameras flashing as the front door creeped open. And an aging man in an orange top hat feebly stepped out using a cane for support. Half way down the carpet he trips and falls as the crowd gasps in horror, but the man nimbly rolls and jumps to his feet hat in hand and a cheerful smile on his face.

         “Welcome! Welcome!” The gates magically open as Wonka places his hat once more on his head. “Now where are my five ticket winners!”

         “Me first!” The spoiled rotten Veruca Salt pushes past the others her rollie-pollie father following. She holds out her hand as her father tried to play some business on Wonka.

         “Now me!” Violet, the little gum-snapping teeny booper also pushes herself forward quoting gum chewing records as Wonka faked a charming smile. Her father the car dealer trying to pester Wonka into buying a car.

         Augustus Gloop, name-sake withholding steps forward thumbs in his suspenders and chocolate already on his face. He was just waiting to sink his teeth into the factory. His slightly larger mother waddles behind.

         Mike TV plays with his toy guns, his cowboy hat tilted on his head. Mother in pursuit behind as the boy mutters something about hoping there was tv in there.

         Charlie watches the four with digust on his face, how dare they act such a way in front of such a great man. He looks at his grandpa Joe who shakes his head, “Those are some bad apples Charlie.”

         “Please, please follow me, ticket winners and family members only!” Wonka shouts turning on his heel and wiping his hand off on his coat from Augustus’s sticky paw. As the ten people shuffle in behind him the gate closes on the pushing mob of media and on lookers.

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