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(This is a Smile Dog X Dog! Reader)

Readers POV~
I just witnessed a murder. A man with a bloody, white hoodie with should length black hair killed a young woman, probably in her early twenties. I coward led behind a metal trash can and whimpered in fear. My (f/c) fur touched the metal, making me shiver. I whimpered in fear and I guess he heard me because he looked my way. He slowly crept up to me and squat down, observing me. His face was very scary looking. He had burnt eyelids and a carved smile that went up to his ears. I was suddenly picked up by him and he spoke with deep, raspy voice. "Smile is going to like you." I tilted my head in confusion. "Who's Smile?" I barked quietly but he wouldn't understand me anyways. With that, he walks off into the woods. About an hour later we arrived at a large abandoned cabin, the man walks up the step and opens the door that made a loud creak noise. "Smile! Here boy!" The man yells. I hear movement from up stair and a figure runs down the steps. He was just as creepy as his owner but cuter. His mane was black and red and had a pearly white smile. The man set me down and goes to pet 'Smile'. He faces me and says "I guess I'll call you.... (Y/n). And this is Smile, your playmate. Have fun you two!" He yells as he walks out the door. I was looking where the man left until I heard the sound of claws hitting the wooden floor. I look up and see the large husky towering over me. "Why hello there, (y/n)." His voice was rough. "H-hello." I stuttered making him chuckle. "What would you like to do?" He asked laying down beside me. I shrugged until I saw a thick rope. I walked over to it, feeling Smile's gaze on me, and bit into the rope then walked back into it. I layers beside him and started to chew, until he takes it away from me. I growled and looked at him. His butt was up and the his head lowered with the rope between his teeth. I nipped the other half of the rope and pulled and Smile pulls the opposite way. Both of us growl in determination and yanked harder. This went on for thirty minutes until I heard glass breaking. Smile lets go of the rope, making me fall. I watched him listen for noise and walks away. I followed until I hear something the opposite way. I walked towards the door and looked through the creak. I see a teenager crawling through the window. I pushed the door open the door and growled, gaining his attention. The male flinched not expecting signs of life in the house but smirked. I growled louder as he walked up to me, pulling a knife from his pocket. I flinched a bit but held my ground and growled loudly. The male swung his knife at me but I dodged and but is wrist. He howled in pain which alerted Smile. Smile runs towards the scream and looks through the doors. His eyes widen, it all happened so fast. The man kicked me off and slashed my side. I yelped as I collided with the wall. The man clutched his bleeding hand and scowls at me. The man slowly walk towards me and raised the knife in his hand. I closed my eyes waiting for death to take me.... But never came. Instead I heard a scream, so my eyes flew open. I see Smile's mouth clenched onto the boy's throat on the floor. Smile ripped the boy's windpipe out and throws it across the room. He then padded his way towards me and whimpers in concern. "You okay (y/n)?" I was breathing heavily but I nodded. His eyes filled with worry and lays beside me then begin to lick my wound clean. I flinched at the sudden touch but calmed down. After he was done, he licked my cheek and laid his head on my neck knowing I was sleeping. "I will be here to protect you (y/n)..." He mumbles before going to sleep himself.

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