A Path To Nowhere

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*oh my Gosh guys I've been trying to get this chapter out (or at least the major event in it) but the chapters before kept getting too long and I couldn't add it in. Plus I think this deserves it's own chapter. Enjoy!*

*Mark's P.O.V.*

"Well guess I don't have a car anymore" I say looking back at what used to be my car with a tree half way through it. "It'd be fine mark, a bit exercise won't hurt ya"

-time skip to their destination-

"Well here we are" I look at the house. It looks like every other house in this part of LA, not like a major troll lives here. We walk  up to the house Jack follows close behind me as I knock on the door. It just opens after I knock I look back at Anti, he just shrugs "go in i guess" he says. We walk in and look around it's a small house but nice a couch, a recliner and large TV are in the living room with a lamp by the couch. To the left is a hall way presumably to the bedrooms and bathroom and to the right is the kitchen. The door slams shut behind us "Holy shite!" I hear Anti yell startled.

*Jack's P.O.V.*

That door was fookin loud so yes it scared me, leave me alone I'm just a little Irish boy! We walk in a little further and hear a familiar voice laughing and slow clapping. "Who the fuck is there!" Mark exclaims. "You two did very well in finding this place..." the voice says as he walks into view... and it's none other than... Pewdiepie. "Aren't you two clever..." he says "Well ya left a fookin return address on the damned box, not like ya made it difficult" "It wasn't intended to be difficult for you to find me"

  "Why are you in America any way?" Mark says.
"Simple... I want to ruin your lives" he says with a grin
"What!?" Me and mark both exclaim at the same time in shock and confusion
"Listen it's really simple. You two are very popular on YouTube and get lots of subs and views..."
"Yea but you're the giving channel on YouTube idiot" Says Mark.
"I am aware of this my dear Mark, however you two are distracting people from my clickbaited, and idiotic content by being.. sincere and.. honest" he shivers.

"There are other YouTubers who do the same thing why don't you troll them?" I say.
He replies "Because if you and Mark go away at the same time then it will cause your friends to worry and then they will travel here and slowly but surely I'll be the only gaming YouTuber on YouTube!" (Wow who wrote this plan, it's terrible ... oh wait..) "So you want to rule YouTube?" I ask
"Yes! And also I wanted to mess with you and Mark cause why not" he chuckles

*Mark's P.O.V.*

How could you Felix?... You knew I liked Jack didn't you, sickbastard. And now using our feelings for each other against us! "FELIX!!" I feel the energy rush through me again this time I'm able to control it and walk up to him.
He backs himself up againist wall shivering like a coward, I grab his shirt and hold him up "FIX THIS OR I'LL BREAK YOU!" "It can't be reversed!" He says struggling. "WHY I-" I  feel a hand on my shoulder and hear Jack say "let him down Dark, if it can't be helped what's the point?" "But you want to get to back home.. and record and just live like you used to.." "Yes I do but if it can't be fixed it can't be fixed.." I set down Felix and step away as the energy leaves me once again. "Let's go Mark.." Jack starts out the door and I start to follow "Felix you are lucky Jack was there, if it was just me you'd be dead where you stand..." I walk out of the house without even glancing back.

*WOW!! What a shame that this curse can't be cured what will Jack do? We will have to find out in the future! Sorry if the Felix's plan was terrible but I came up with it as I wrote it so yea. Anyway hope this chapter was half as exciting as I built it up to be. Thanks for reading!*

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