I hate School

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After everything that happened I really didn't know what to do. I didn't know who I could trust or who I should talk to. I texted my best friend Sara and she did the nicest thing that anyone has ever done for me. She stuck up for me and she went ape shit on Mike. I absolutely love her for that she's an amazing friend. After she cursed out Mike he didn't care about anything that she said and he said horrible things to Sara and I hate him even more for that. I will never forgive him.

Since Mike said things that were completely rude Sara and I went to the guidance counselor of our school to talk about the things Mike said to us. Mike's parents were called into the school to talk about what happened. When the principal told them everything Mike has done they didn't care and they agreed with what he did. His parents are also homophobic and tried to get me in trouble for hitting on there son, even though I didn't.

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