chapter 8- day 8- good bye

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Chapter 8- day eight


Narrator’s point of view

The day has come where it is time to say goodbye, most people are sad that everything is over, but no one is more devastated than Adam and Casey. Their love is strong, but is it strong enough to with stand the difficulties of lond distance, where they really meant to be together, was it written in the stars, or were they just blinded by the love they thought they deserved.  But they didn’t need that love, they needed more, they needed a eternal love that would never be over, not a 4 day fling, and now it’s time that their little happily ever after falls apart

Casey point of view

I can’t believe this day has snuck up on me, I can’t say goodbye to him. I know we will talk and Skype all the time, but I can’t handle the distance. We aren’t leaving until later in the afternoon, Adam is leaving after us, but I still need to say goodbye. “Good morning Casey” Skylar said solemnly, as she ate some toast as her parents bussed around her packing up the tent and mini kitchen. Yeah she was that lazy, she would just stand there and let everyone else pack up for her, “it’s not really a good morning sky”” I said making myself a cup of tea before the kettle was packed away, today we left, day we went home. “Tell me about it” she mumbled sadly, even though her and Cole hadn’t made as much of a connection, they wouldn’t have the chance to because they had to say goodbye. “Morning case, sky” Adam said as he walked over to where we stood reminiscing over the most wonderful camping trip. “morning Adam” Skylar and I said in unison though I gave him a little kiss, though Skylar didn’t, we just stood there for a while until Cole showed up, he asked sklyer if she would go with him for a walk, so they left. Slowly Adam and I started to walk towards the river. “why couldn’t we stay for longer, why couldn’t I have forgiven you sooner so we had more time together, why is the world so annoying Adam, what did we do to deserve this” I said taking a seat on a branch a metre above the ground, Adam sat next to me and sighed, wrapping his arm around my waist, “I don’t know case, I seriously don’t know, but all the time I have gotten to spend with you is a gift and I shall treasure it forever, the universe has been kind enough to grant me this sliver of happiness, even though I don’t deserve it, im a horrible human being” Adam said as I layed my head on his shoulder fighting back the tears I could feel wanting to escape. “Adam you are a wonderful person, even when you were bad you did it to help me, that’s nice, your nice, your wonderful” I said finally letting the tears free, I always believed that crying makes you weak, but someone once told me that it just means that you have been strong for too long. Adam and I just sat there both silently crying, and he would occasionally kiss me, but we just enjoyed each other’s company willing time to stop.

Sarah point of view (Casey mum)

I was helping Dana pack away all the chairs and tables when I say it, sitting on a branch near the river, just out of sight and easily missed, was Adam and Casey, they were hugging each other in a tight embrace, “Dana look over there” I said pointing to the pair, hoping to get her opinion on the situation, because to me it looked like they were in love, “oh my god, I thought those two would end up together eventually, I could just see it” Dana said coming to stand next to me, “why haven’t they told anyone Dana, oh god Dana they can’t be together because of how far we live from each other” I said suddenly feeling sad for my daughter, she had finally found someone she thought deserved her love, but she had to say good bye. “I think they just didn’t want anyone to fuss over them, you know Cain and Stan would of interrogated him if they knew, I think they just wanted to be together without having to deal with formalities” Dana said looking sympathetic over the two love birds, “what you talking about”  Karen (Adam mum) said as she came over to us, we just pointed to the two teenagers, she was shocked, and we explained all of our theories to her “ my poor boy, he always did love her, it broke his heart when she hated him, and refused to speak to him, and he finally has her, just for her to be out of his reach again” Karen said crying, why does life have to be so sad, it’s like a romance novel, that doesn’t have a happy ending. Dana, Karen and I left the two be and went back to packing up.

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