Librarian! Goth x Reader

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Okayyyy guyz since i diddnt continue the L! Goth x reader...i wanted to make it up to some of you who read that... and to tell all of you again that im terribly sorry ;~;
I was just out of ideas Lol
Okayyy naw enough chit-chattin lets get right into it!

(Your POV)

I was at school with a normal life.
Getting bullied is normal right...?

I walked trough the hallways trying to find the library cuz i was bored...dont blame me i dont know this school that much yet and i spotted Helen... helen is my weakness...she was same school with me when i was grade 5..i hate her guts but im just too weak to stood up for myself. I was lost in my thoughts while walking then i suddenly bumped to a skeleton with white robe(?), red scarf -rest of goth's appearance cuz im lazy sorry ;~;- and falled back, "oww..." i said as i looked up and see who i accidentally bumped.
" sorry..." i looked away and blushed from embarrassment.

(Goth's POV)

I was walking trough the hallways, going back to the library and without thinking i accidentally bumped to a short girl (goth...thats just rude XD)  She fall down and said "oww.." as she looked up at me with a lil bit of blush on her cheek " sorry..." she said as she looked away. I couldnt help but blush a little bit from her cutenes- WAIT GOTH STOP IT I JUST MET HER. I snapped trough my thoughts and reached my hand for her to stand up "No its okay i wasn't paying attention... im goth by the way whats your name?" I asked as i smiled at her.

(Your POV)

"No its okay i wasn't paying goth by the way whats your name?" He asked and smiled at me as i grabbed his hand and stood up "im Y/N L/N...nice to meet you goth...thanks" i say sheepishly "oh i have to go to the library now" he said while looking at his clock. "Really? I was about to go there too but...i don't know where the library was.." i said "oh okay, wanna come with me? Since we were going to the same destination" he smiled at me..gosh i can't get enough by his smile he's really handsom- STOP IT I JUST MET HIM. "Y/n?" I snapped trough my thoughts "h-huh. Oh sorry i..umm..." i said and he just chuckled with his hand on his chin. Dayum you elegant bastard.... "as i was saying..wanna come with me to the library?" He asked once again and i nodded my head "hehe. Come on lets go"

"R-right..." as we walked trough the hallway i can feel that someone has been glaring daggers at me but i didn't mind it anyways.

-time skip to le library-

(Still your POV)

"Okay we're here" he said as i looked around in amazement, there was a lot of books... "wow..." i said as he chuckled once again. I walked trough the library and picked what i wanted to read, i took a sit at a random table, then i noticed someone sat beside me.

I looked at the person who sat me and it was...the one and only got X3 "May i?" He said "sure" i smiled as we talked for almost an hour until the bell rang "oh i have to go...welp bye i'll come back later!" I said and waved at him "bye" is the last thing he said before i walked away.

As i walked away. I remembered that i forgot my bracelet at the library...dont ask how... well iv'e got no time for that...i walked then stopped when i saw helen stopping my way while glaring at me "uhh.. what do you wan-" she cuts me off when she said "I SAW YOU WITH MY SENPAI! HOW COULD YOU! DID YOU THINK YOU CAN STEAL HIM AWAY FROM ME? BIT*H  HE DOESN'T LOVE YA HE ONLY LOVES ME! AND HE.IS. MINE!!" She shouted loud enough like...the whole school can hear it. "Uhhh what do you mean?" I said innocently because i didn't get what she was saying... "DONT PRETEND LIKE NOTHING HAS HAPPENED!" She slapped me across my face and i fall down causing me to bump to the lockers. Great! Now everyone was looking at us...damn...that hurts as he*l .i said nothing and i was about to stand up but she kicked my stomach causing me to fall again. "DIE BIT*H" she said while i endured the pain she was giving me. I screamed as she kicked me over and over and over again.

(Goth's POV)

I was cleaning the library then i saw a bracelet that has Y/N name printed on it do i assumed it was hers i was about to walk out the library and give it to her but i heard someone shout. And it sounded like Y/N. everyone in the library panicked and went outside and see who shouted at the time like this. I rushed out, faster than anyone else, i got to the commotion and saw Y/N lying on the ground helplessly, while helen was kicking her "Y/N!!!" I shouted and i forced myself to go to Y/N.

(Your POV)

I almost fainted but i heard someone's was familiar   "Y/N!!!!" Someone said. i looked at where the voice was coming and my eyes widened with relief while helen widened her eyes with fear. I teared up and looked at goth with the 'help me' look, he seems to get my message and looked at helen with a disappointed look. He walked to us and he picked me up bridal style.

I blushes with his actions but i feel myself faint every second.

(3rd POV)

Y/N fainted while she was being carried by goth, goth glared at helen.
"I-its not what it looks like goth! I swear!" She said 'innocently' "then what? I don't like seeing someone hurting my friend." He said "I-ITS BECAUSE SHE...UHHH STOLE SOMETHING FROM ME!" She exclaimed "and what is that something?" He asked "ITS MY- umm... PENCIL! YEAH SHE STOLE MY PENCIL!!" She said "well, you dont have to hurt someone just for stealing a 'pencil' i am so disappointed to the ppl like you" he said venomously. After that she burst away crying while goth carried Y/N to the clinic.


Goth placed Y/N on a bed while waiting for the nurse to come.
"Y/N...." he said worryingly.
The nurse came and healed Y/N's wounds. "Goth.. i've heard Y/N lives alone and she has a terrible condition right now..she needs some company with her because i see that..helen? Perhaps? Attacked her stomach witch can be hard for her to move freely...soo can you take care for her....? Hehe..." she said nervously because she knows that goth was really scary when he gets mad. Instead he smiled and said "sure i'll take care for her until she recovers" he said "great! And i forgot to tell you that you also need to help her shower" the nurse said while smirking "WAIT WHAT!" Goth yelled  while blushing deeply "hehe just kiddin! WOW you must really took that seriously! Your face was sooo price less heheh! Lemme guess? You have a crush on her eh?" The nurse said while smirking again. Goth blushed even more and nods his head shyly, " hehe i knew it! Okay i have to go now! Take care of her kay?" She said and goth just nodded. She left goth alone with Y/N. goth looked at Y/N he sighed and sits at the edge of your bed. It was already dismissal and Y/N hadn't woke up yet. He didn't know where you live so he just decided to take you to his home. He picked you up bridal style again and said

"I will never let anyone hurt you again"


WHOOOOOOOO!!!! GUYSSS ITS BEEN SOO LONGGGGG HERES THE FISRT PART IMMA MAKE MORE PARTS JUST YOU WAIT! Lolol  LOVE YA ALLLL (this part in parentheses are new update and this may or may not have a 2nd part just saying cuz...i might disappoint you)

Word count: 1421

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