I Love You, I Hate You

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It was a case of missed opportunities, a play on jealousy and a broken phone. It wasn't supposed to end like this. It was a story of how two lovers are foolish enough to let go too early.

Your friendship with Vernon had an interesting start. The first text you sent him was literally:

“You like Kristen, right?”

Oddly that's how your relationship pulled off. You played as a secret cupid for him. You found out that he had a crush on one of your close friends. You've known Kristen for quite a while and you knew that she's a good catch, plus she's been single for all her life. You were always keen in burying your nose in other's business.

You gave him tips on how to win your friend's heart. You gave him motivational talks, encouraging him to make a move. You soon learnt that this boy is a sweetheart. He was pure and a total gentleman inside. He had a rather low self esteem, he viewed Kristen as a princess in a far away castle where he's nothing more than common dirt to be stepped on.

He was so sweet and innocent. Unconsciously, as you played your fairy godmother role, you fell for prince charming.

You two became the best of friends through your daily chats. A day without talking to him felt like a part of your life was missing, you felt incomplete. The two of you texted each other every night till the break of dawn, but in class you two only spared quick glances to the other. Occasionally one would discreetly mention an inside joke you two shared and the other would sit there laughing to themself.

You two became virtual best friends online, yet you were still just acquaintances in the real world. You two barely spoke three words to each other. How is it possible to know so much about a person yet spoke so little to them.

The day came when Vernon wrote a sweet confession letter to Kristen. He gave it to her, right after school as the rest of the class left the room one by one, not bothered by what was going on between Vernon and Kristen. You stood there, slowly packing your bag as you watched Vernon hand Kristen the love letter.

You knew what was inside the letter, you helped him correct it draft after draft. You watched as Kristen raised her eyebrow upon receiving the letter. She rolled her eyes and scoffed. She handed the letter back to him. She didn't even bother opening the letter that Vernon had spent the whole night perfecting.

Vernon was embarrassed. He was rejected. The poor boy was nothing more than crushed. What he had feared came true. He knew that he was not worthy of her love.

You watched as Vernon’s gaze fell to his shoes, biting his bottom lip hard. Kristen slung her bag over her shoulder and left the class.

The classroom was empty except for the two of you.

You slowly made your way towards Vernon. You heard the soft sobs that he's fighting hard to hold back.

“It's okay. Come here. She doesn't deserve you anyway.” you pulled the boy into a tight embrace. He cried into your shoulder as you gently stroked his hair.

“It's okay. I'm here. Just let it all out.” you cooed softly. You constantly reassured him that he deserved better than Kristen. You held him tight, trying to give him as much comfort as you could, rubbing his back gently. Vernon’s cries slowly died down.

Vernon pulled back, wiping his tears away. You tried to meet his eyes, still worried.

He opened his eyes and met yours. He smiled and placed a hand on your cheek.

“Thanks Y/N. What would I do without you?” you smiled back at him. You placed your hand on his, which was still gently caressing your cheek.

“Well you'd probably still be crying in the corner of the class alone, thinking that you're not  worthy of love.” you replied, trying your hardest to hold back your laughter.

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