Let's Sing!

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That afternoon Eleanor was not in the mood to leave her room. She was feeling lazy and moody. Laying on her bed she started to read a book.

Sarah Alice came in and joined her with her own book.

"What are you reading little girl?"

"The Princess and the Pea" Sarah said, showing the cover of her book.

"And? What is it about?"

"You don't know?" Sarah Alice asked surprised.

Eleanor hid her face behind her hands pretending to be ashamed. "No I don't!"

"It's a very important story about how you could verify if a princess is really a princess!"

"Oh! That's really interesting! And how do you verify something like that?"

Sarah Alice raised her face to Eleanor and said in a very serious tone. "A pea!"

Eleanor stared at the girl with a mist of curiousness and surprise. "Tell me that story!" She exclaimed, putting her book a way.

Sarah Alice sat in a very stiff position, cleared her throat like she was communicating something very important and started to read "The Princess and the pea" out loud.

Eleanor smiled at her commitment to the storytelling. She lay down and got comfortable listening to her little friend, smiling here and there at the tone that Sarah Alice used for some parts of the story. She really was a very grown up little girl.

When the storytelling ended Eleanor started to mix some music. "Tell me Sarah Alice what do you want to hear?"

She smiled shyly and not facing the princess she says. "I would like to hear you sing!"

"Really? Do you really want to hear me sing? Why?"

"Because I hear you sometimes and I love it!" Sarah Alice said, still not facing her.

"That means you are listening behind doors?" The little girl laughed and nodded with a mischievous smile placed on her face.

"Ok then and what you want to hear? Let's sing together ok?"

"k! Let's sing a Christmas song!" "But my little one, Christmas is long over now" Eleanor caressed the little girl hair. "Don't you want to sing another song? Like... I don't know... let me see" Approaching her stereo she started to scroll songs on her phone. "Oh! I know this one!" And "Perfect" from Ed Sheeran started to play.

They both listen to the song in silence. "I don't know this song!" Sarah Alice mused "But is really beautiful! Can you sing it for me?"

"I thought you were going to sing it with me!" Eleanor says emphasizing the "with me" statement.

The little girl smiled shyly and informed Eleanor that she really didn't know the lyrics so it was up with the Princess.

Eleanor smirk and looking out the window, with Jasper's smile floating in her head, started to sing. "I found a love for me..."

Jasper approached the door of her room, well it was more our room now he thought to himself amused. The music was loud and Eleanor was singing. He could recognize her amazing voice everywhere. He thought about leaving, he knew how she didn't like when he heard her sing, she didn't think she was that good even with Jasper assurance that she sing like a professional, but he couldn't resist, so the singing session was interrupted by Jasper himself that entered the room and started singing with her.

Although he was a really terrible singer and Sarah Alice covered her ears and wrinkled up her nose. "Jasper please don't sing! You're ruining it! You're a terrible singer!" She said, folding her arms on her chest and looking peeved.

Both Eleanor and Jasper broke into a big laugh getting Sarah Alice even more peeved. "You two deserve each other!" She spit leaving the room stomping. They both laughed again as Jasper sat on the couch and Eleanor sat on his lap.

"Jasper, the girl is right you're a terrible singer and you ruined our concert!" He kissed her softly on the lips. "I think I have plenty other qualities that I can use to compensate you on ruining your one girl concert!" He assured her, kissing her deeply. Breaking the kiss he added, "And about the other woman in my life, the little one, I will take her to bumper cars at the carnival tomorrow to compensate!"

Eleanor looked surprised by his choice of entertainment for little Miss Hill. "That's not a very girly program Jasper!"

"Well you don't really know little Miss Hill, do you? She is all princesses and dresses but she loves bumper cars and soccer and riding a bike." Eleanor's eyes went wide in surprise again and she could not fall in love more with this amazing man that was willing to spend a part of his day playing with his bosses' daughter just because he knew he made her upset. Jasper was not the kids type, or, he did not look like the kids type of guy but he was really sweet with Sarah Alice and Eleanor always loved to watch them together. She couldn't resist imagining a place where they already have their own kids and Jasper really looked like the perfect funny father.

Watching her day dream, Jasper pulled her closer to him. She laid her head on his chest as he kissed the top of her head. "Where are you now Len?" He asked knowing she was thinking about something that, apparently, looked good.

The smile that she gave assured him that he was right. "I was thinking about how amazing father you could be!" Jasper heart stuttered because fatherhood was something that he was really afraid off. His father didn't set a good example, but he avoided thinking about that sad part of his life and listened to her words. A small smile touched his lips. "Do you really think that?" She raised her head a bit to get to his lips and kissed him slowly. Placing her hand on his cheek, she caressed his eye brows. "Off course yes! Who else will accept to be called Mr. Caterpillar if not an amazing future father?"

"Sarah Alice is just very sweet! But my father was not a big role model like you know!" Jasper spoke with his gaze fixed on the wall, not facing her and trying to not face his fears.

She noticed his insecurities and sat straight on the chair. "Jasper you're amazing with her. Don't think your crappy father damaged your parenting abilities!" Jasper just nodded and finally faced her. Their gaze warmed rapidly as she decided to sit on his lap with one leg at each side and kissed him hard. "You know that I'm working! Maybe I should go!" Jasper whispered on her ear. She sighed. "Are you sure you have to go now?" Eleanor asked, playing with his hair and kissing his ear. He felt a chill and his body stiffened at her touch and she noticed because she kept her lips around his ear. "Ok Jasper go!" She whispered, starting to kiss around the other ear. She bit his left earlobe and Jasper grabbed her hands and stood from under her so quickly that she laughed out loud.

"Don't mock me, OK? And you're a tease!" He said smirking and kissing her quick with a safe distance between them. "See you tonight! And please behave. Don't text me dirty with your brother by my side!"

Eleanor looked at her phone and with a shy look on her face took a picture of her breasts from the top and text him when he was leaving, with the message "Is this consider dirty?" Jasper was already out of the room when he felt his phone buzz. As he opened the text and saw the photo he screamed, "Yes Princess that is dirty! Stop!" And left to meet King Robert outside, leaving Eleanor laughing alone in their bedroom, taking not so decent pictures of herself and texting him even if he asked her not to.

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