Somehting like Love (chap. 2)

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A/N: heyo! new chapter! WOOHOO!!!

                                                       Enjoy! :)

Chapter two

Cammie's P.O.V

 I can’t concentrate! I can see that Heidi

can’t either. But it’s English! Our favourite subject! I know why she can’t

concentrate, total Liam-disaster! Its second period and Heidi still looks like she just ran a

marathon! She’s all hot too. Poor girl. I’m glad I don’t blush that much.

Liam’s in this class too. He keeps on looking over at Heidi. She hasn’t

realized yet. I haven’t even told her that Liam was there for the WHOLE

conversation, and she’s still blushing madly! She thinks he was only there for

the part where she said “I really will miss him!” onwards. Not much. I decided

to text her about it.


freak out, but Liam heard the WHOLE conversation…’-Cammie


is currently turned off…’-Heidi


mail message. I put my iPhone away and looked at Heidi.  What she doing? Oh, English, right.


buck, buck, I’m a chicken! I lay eggs and go a ‘liken!”

Mr. I

nodded. “Very good, Heidi-Rose. Cameron, you next.” What’s with the full first



Heidi’s example, I said “I’m a moo moo cow, I bum around! See my butt as I move

it all around!” I did a little butt wag dance. The class laughed, I’ve always

been the class clown, along with Heidi. The teacher took it as a joke. “Cam,

next time PAY ATTENTION!” I smile sheepishly. Maybe I should. “Alright, class

dismissed.” We left the classroom for our break.


Heidi said to me “why weren’t you paying attention?”


weren’t you?” I said. “No, I know why YOU weren’t paying attention!”


smiled, still slightly blushing. We sat down at our usual table. Just as we

started talking, a sticky-beak I know from primary school, called Alana, came

over. Alana’s long brown hair was as straight as ever and her unnaturally green

eyes made her look evil. “Oh Heidi!” she said, in a sing song voice. “Tell me

again how much you LUURRVE Liam and how much you don’t want him to leave the

school, because then he’ll be leaving you and how much you’d miss him and…”

Alana cheekily smiled.

“How did

you know I said that?!” Heidi said a tad mad. This can’t be good.

“Oh, I

heard Liam telling his friend. He was all, ‘that is so cute!’ and ‘I never knew

she liked me!’ I never knew either” Alana said. “But I ‘accidentally’ slipped

and recorded his conversation on my phone” she took out her phone and played

the recording. “I intend to give this to Johanna” she said “then everyone will

know about you tow sweet hearts!” Johanna is the radio gossip. She spreads everything! Heidi is red now, but not

from blushing, from anger. She looks as if she’s about to explode!


none of your freaking business who I like or why I like them!” ok. She

exploded. Now almost half the area, and some teachers, are looking. “I could

have a full on crush on Barack Obama because he wears a channel perfume or

something, and it would be none of your business!” now Heidi’s yelling and everyone is looking. Now I’m blushing.


calm down” I say. I don’t think she hears me. I wish she would stop doing that.

“I never liked

you,” said Heidi. “And now I hate you!” 

Alana is

still smirking. Heidi stared daggers at Alana. Then she grabbed Alana’s mobile

from her hand and smashed it under her heel. That wiped the smile off Alana’s

face. I gasped and kept my mouth open. Then Heidi said, in a sweet voice, “As

you can tell, I’m really ticked off with you”

We turned

towards our next class, and I looked back to see Liam quietly clapping. He

winked at me (‘hey beautiful, looking fine!’) Heidi shut my mouth and walked

past me.


thanx for reading! i will try my hardest to upload a chapter each night but that probs wont happen because of hings like school, homework, netball training, dancing, writers block, finding time to actually WRITE this story, and also im always too busy obsessing over One Direction, of course! anyway my lifes boring, get over it! PLEASE vot, share and comment! i really want to know what you guys think!

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