Open book

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Hello guys!!!! Sorry its been so long, my computer broke :( i'm using my phone to write this so you better like it!


Today is the day that I admit to Sirius about what happened with James. I'm so unsure about this, but I promised Lily that I'd tell him today. I just don't know how he'll react. Will he still be mad that I didn't just tell him? Will he be mad at James?

I put on my light blue jeans and a thin pink sweater. I brush my hair back and French braid it. I put on white trainers and head out to the great hall for lunch.

"Rose, hurry over!" Lily shouts to me.

"Did mum and dad send us something?" I ask once I see the letter in her hands.

"Yup, they said on Christmas break we can go up to the mountains and visit aunt Grace and uncle Gary."

"We haven't seen them in forever, I miss them a lot," I say excitedly.

She nods and puts down the letter to look at me with concern.

"What?" I ask before taking a bite of my turkey sandwich.

"You know what," Lily scoffs. "What's going to happen with Sirius today?"

"I promised you I would tell him, so I," I grumble and continue to try to eat my sandwich, but Lily won't let that happen.

"When are you going to tell him?"

"If he's alone I'll do it then, but if he's not alone I'll ask him to talk alone I guess," she nods and she quickly looks back at her sandwich.


"Evans, mind if we sit here?"

I almost jump out of my seat. Lucius and his crew plop down next to me.

"Can I just eat my sandwich in peace?" I groan.

"This won't be long," Lucius sighs. "I just want you to know, thank you for making Sirius more like us. You being a whore was the best thing-."

My hand instantly slaps him across the face so hard he falls out of his seat. His minions instantly are on their feet with their wands pointed at me.

"You are so going to regret that!" He hisses at me and points his wand at me like the others.

The only thing that could make this worse was if we were alone, wait we are. Lily and I have been talking for so long about Sirius that we didn't even notice anyone leave.

"Get up," I stay frozen I'm my seat until Bella's hand collided with my cheek.

"Did you not hear him!" She shrieked at me.

"Sorry, I can't understand you two, I don't speak troll!" I snap at them.

"Flipendo!" I fly back and hit the wall.

I groan and can already tell the back of my head it bleeding. Bella steps up with a wicked smiles and points get wand at me.


"Expelliarmus!" I look up and to my surprise it's Sirius.

I smile and then everything goes black.


I wake up to the worst pain around the back of my head. Everything comes flooding back to me.

"Rose, it didn't take you long to recover did it?" Lily giggles.

"How long was I out for?"

"20 minuets I think, Sirius and James brought you here, to the hospital wing," She said smiling.

"What happened after I hit the wall?"

"It was so amazing, Sirius came in followed my Remus and practically took down Lucius and his mutts!"

I laugh and sit up better. I should thank them, Bella was about to use one of the forbidden curses on me and they saved me.

"Did anyone say when I could leave," I ask look around for the usual nurse that's here.

"Yea, she said you're free to leave once you wake up."

I slip out if the bed and look in one of the mirrors they have in here by all the potions.

I fix up my hair and decide that I look alright.

"Do you know where Sirius is?" I ask Lily.

"Common room."

I jog up the stairs and say the password to the fat lady. I'm going to tell him. I want to be around him, I miss him. I want him back.

I slowly, but confidently walk in. I look around the common room and see bit of his head from behind the couch. I walk over closer to see he's leaned over something, probably doing some homework.

"Sirius, can-," my mouth drops and I back up.

Sirius and Jennifer Downy are snogging.

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