The Move

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How would you feel if the place you have come to know as home was suddenly not your house?

That was Kate's predicament.

Kate was the only child born to Mr Lewis and Mrs Jones Kendrick. She is a brilliant girl who made her family proud.

At her age she is wiser than she should, sometimes this gets on the nerves on the kids her age as they felt she constantly ruined moments with her perspectives. When all she was doing was stating the obvious consequences of their intended actions.

Oblivious to what awaited her at home that day, she walked back home from school to find her very busy parents pacing at home. She knew instantly that something was wrong.

What she didn't know was to what extent.


I came home from school that Friday afternoon happy because I was finally going to the sleep over l planned earlier with my bestie Maurie. Already my mom had agreed to this and to show appreciation I announced that I was doing the packing myself.

What I didn't expect was coming home and meeting my parents there, the look on their faces was enough to make me freak out, as little as I was I couldn't help but feel it.

Mom on her attempt to make me feel better made my favorite cup cake and called me to it. Even I couldn't resist it, so as I sat down to eat, she gently told dad to tell me.

At 8, I can boldly call myself a smart girl because I can read body language and understand the vibes when something isn't right. Some people call it intuition, hell, whatever it is called let's just say I don't care. But I know am rarely wrong, scratch that, am never wrong when it comes to this.

Dad stood up, went to fridge and took out a bottle of water. He asked if I wanted some, which I declined. He put it back, walked back to his seat, and then called me by my pet name Ky, this is hard for me to say but I explored my options and there's no way out. He said we couldn't continue staying here in Canada that we were going to Nigeria in Africa.

I did breathe because I couldn't, I felt choked before I blurted out. Nigeria??? How dad, what's going to happen to my sleep over with Maurie?

When I think back to this day, I always wished I had said something else. Till date, I could see the deep lines of worry that marred my dad's face as I spoke those words.

I quietly went to pick my favourite toys since mom said I can only take necessities with me.


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