PHASE TWO - Confrontations

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"You want to hurt me."

Eric turned to look at her, craning his head sideways and down.

"Very perceptive." He noted dryly.
He'd been thinking of ways to drive the point home since class ended half an hour ago, but she'd preceded him and seeked him out.

She seems casual, doesn't look at him as she pretends to scavenge for something in her gym bag. He has no such regards, bluntly looking sideways at her.

"You come up with anything yet?" She politely inquires.

Eric sets his jaw.

"I have a couple of ideas floating around."

He watches her legs instead as they walk alongside. The black material of the fabric is shiny and looks soft to the touch. Her thighs are lean, well rounded. She had more curves when she arrived but the new regime suits her physique too - less womanly, more athletic. Her bust size got a little smaller. He almost feels shame in noticing.

The Valentina girl raises her chin in defiance, staring straight ahead now, a similar flair of passion and anger sharpening the features of her face as she did during the surprising fight. "Well let me know when you reach your conclusion," She chirps, "I'll be intensifying my arm day meanwhile. For the Pit."

Then she marches on and leaves Eric trailing behind, for the first time since he was an initiate himself.

Anger flares first, then shockingly amusement.

He's got her well-rounded ass to keep him entertained.


It takes him 24 hours, but finally Eric finds a punishment he finds fit.

He waits for her outside class, stoic and broad as the shy initiates float past, their worried faces nervously assessing him, each hoping they're not the source for Eric's unexpected visit.

She's one of the last, but he's rewarded by the flash of terror that floods her brown eyes. She knows she'll be punished today.
Her cheeks are flushed pink from the lesson, her moist lips a little swollen from where she's bit down enough to bruise. That pinkness will fade to pale white with terror.

"How was class," He asks in a sickly sweet sing-a-song tone, before grabbing her wrist harshly and pulling her behind him.

"Val!" There's the gasp from her friend she'd been talking to, the Candor girl Maja, but Eric doesn't bother to look.

Valentina replies something reassuring in a slight grunt, and to give credit where credit is due, Eric noticed she doesn't seem panicked, but not excessively flippant either. Her friend doesn't follow.
Eric wouldn't have cared if she did.

Initiates and Dauntless get out of the way for Eric and his temporary captive, readily getting out of their way and turning to stare as they flaunt past. Valentina marches with him, keeping up with his pace with long strides of her own.
He knows she's silently protesting to the treatment by the tension he feels in her arm, but she refuses to seem unwilling and that inexplicably stirs something in his loins.

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