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A ball...now who would have thought of that?

"Good morning, Your Highness!" Lucille barges in along with her sidekick maid Katie holding a tray of breakfast.

"Mmm, what time is it?" I say, slowly opening my eyes. Katie sets the tray down on the foot of my bed while Lucille draws the curtains letting light fill up the entirety of the room. Carefully, I move my feet under the sheets, trying to not knock over the food.

"Hmm, it may be about...6:30!" Katie takes off the lid of a teacup and pours some tea along with stirring some sugar into a cup, embroidered with swirls and many other beautiful designs.

Sitting up slowly, I say, "Isn't 6:30 a little too early for a ball that's going to start in the evening, I suppose?" 

"Well, Your Highness, we want you to look as pretty as possible, and also we need help with the decorations."

"Yes, we need to finish some more in the main hall," Lucille states pulling a chair from the corner and plopping into it.

"Alrighty then!" Taking off the covers, I slowly get up and do a quick stretch before fully getting out of bed.

"I'll draw your bath, miss," Katie states while walking over to the bathroom. "lavender or rose petals?"

Lavender seems nice and so do roses. Although, lavender kind of makes my skin feel weird. "I'll have rose petals, thank you." I smile at Katie who is getting a jar filled with the contents and setting it on the marble counter.

"Oh! I almost forgot!" Lucille hurriedly gets up and walks outside for a moment, but pauses once she's by the door frame. "Close your eyes, miss!"

Confused, I shut them. "My eyes are closed!" Just to make sure she thinks I'm not peeking, I cover a hand over my eyes.

"No peeking!" She says as she slowly opens the door and leaves it at a crack.

"Don't worry, I'm not!" I say smiling.

After a few moments, the door opens and Lucille starts to walk in. "Okay, now you can look!"

I remove my hand from my eyes and it takes a bit for them to adjust, but I'm amazed at what I see. I rub my eyes with my hands and walk over to Lucille holding a pink Cinderella-looking ballgown.

"Oh my gosh!!!" I take the dress and admire its beauty. "Lucille, Katie! This is...Gorgeous!"

"We're glad you like it," says Katie walking out of the bathroom over to Lucille. 

"There's no words to describe this! Thank you so much, you guys!" I bring them in both for a hug. Letting go, I focus my attention back to the dress.

The dress...beads covering the corset, lace outlining the body, glitter covering the dress along with sequins and bows...How can they make such a thing in one night? One night! Overall, Katie did say it was 'magic.'

That morning consisted of trying out different hairstyles along with makeup looks and munching on delicious breakfast. It was a croissant along with fluffy ricotta pancakes and berries. That was the first time I had ever had ricotta pancakes, and boy, were they good!

Back at home, my dad used to make the best pancakes. Sometimes, he would stick chocolate chips inside and let them melt in the griddle. The memories...Every once in a while, I miss home. I miss all the wonderful things that came along with it. My twin brothers fighting all the time, my dad continuing with his rage of how technology is a waste of time and how it fries kid's brains, my mom always giving the best advice when it came to boys and whatnot. Those were the great times. Now, I'm a princess. It still feels so weird to say! I'm a...princess. I was born a princess. That's not something you hear about everyday.

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