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"Get up!" I heard as I covered my head with my pillow.
My head aches the worst it ever has in this exact moment, I really shouldn't have gone to that party last night.

"Seriously Scarlett, get your butt out of bed!" I heard my roommates voice yell out at me.
I shot up out of bed, and immediately felt it in my head. The alcohol that I consumed is now pounding in my forehead.

I stumbled into the bathroom and looked at myself in the bathroom mirror. I had dark rims under my eyes, and my tongue was a weird shade of dusty white, most likely from dehydration and alcohol.
My oversized 'Rolling Stones' shirt was all wrinkled and stretched out.
I gotta do something with my life.

And as if trying to wake me from a trance of staring at myself in the dirty mirror, my phone started to buzz and make a harsh rattle on the sink.
"Hiya mom." I said, waving my unoccupied hand around as if she could see me.
"Scarlett, I see that you didn't bother to show up to the job interview that I had all set up for you this morning." My mothers grouchy voice boomed over the phone, completely skipping a simple 'hello'.

I scratched my head and looked towards the digital clock, it's red, pixilated numbers flashing every other second. '1:45pm' it read.
I cleared my throat before speaking back to my beloved mom,
"I well, uhm I-I missed it." I stuttered, not being able to come up with yet another lie or should I say excuse to tell her.

I heard a sigh from the other side of the phone and a disappointed noise.
"Scarlett, do something with your life. You are twenty-two, twenty-two years old now." She said popping the t's of her tongue.
I just hung up the phone, not wanting to hear the shit I was already dealing with in my own mind.
I walk over to my laptop lying dangerously close to the edge of my bed, and pick it up, setting it back down in my lap.

"How to make lots of money quickly." I typed into the search engine, and immediately said no to everyone option from stripper to sugar baby.
There was one more option that actually intrigued me a bit.
"In need of a hardworking, good listening someone, job will be explained over lunch." I read and pressed the numbers into my phone, itching to find out what this oh-so-secret job could be.

I listened as the dial tones rang in my ears until a male voice went over the line.
"Hello?" A questioning voice asked in a perky manner.
I quietly cleared my throat before speaking,
"Uh, yes hi, I am calling for the uh job opportunity." I said mentally cursing myself for the stutter.

"Oh, yes meet me at the corner of 8th & 7th, there's a small café, uh lets say around 3:00pm." The man said sharply
"Okay, can I get your na-" I was cut off by the line going dead.
That was certainly interesting.
I darted to the bathroom to start getting ready.
Quickly, I curled some of my hair and slapped on a bit of makeup.

"Scarlett?" I heard my roommate, and bestfriend's voice call out to me.
"Yes?" I said back dabbing some perfume behind my ears, a small trick that my grandmother taught me.
"Are you uh actually getting ready before dark?" Janie said with a snicker.
I felt my eyes rolling on command,
"I have a job interview so if you don't mind, could you leave me alone?" I said with a small smirk.

She scoffed and walked out of bathroom with a slam of my door.
I threw on a simple black dress, and pinkish cover up to go over it.
"Okay i am leaving." I said whilst grabbing my keys from the hook beside the door.
My nose was hit with the familiar smell of body odor and sweat in the tiny parking garage that belongs to my apartment building.

I get in my black Nissan, and drive straight through the nonstop traffic of Gotham City.
A stoplight stops my car and reads '7th' so I quickly make a turn.
I drive straight up to a tiny hole in the wall cafe and get out, key in hand.
The smell of the cafe is swarming me before I even enter the tiny place.

I walk into the dark colored little room, and look around for a male that possibly could've been the person I talked to.
There's a man in a suit sitting at the far right table alone, so I suppose that could be him.
My heart is beating out of my chest as I walk towards the bearded man.

"H-Hi in Scarlett, did we speak on the phone?" I looked at him whilst twirling a piece of my hair.
He stood up and shook my hand and offered a warm smile,
"Yes I'm Johnny, please have a seat." He said gesturing at the place Infront of him.
I quickly sat down and crossed my legs under the table and cleared my throat.

He got out a pen and a paper and then looked me straight in the eyes, as if he were studying my brain.
"So uh what's the job exactly? I'm a good listener, I'm a fast learner I just need a job." I said stating the facts.
"I will be the one asking the questions thank you. Now uh, how do you feel about Batman?" He asked whilst chewing on the tip of his ball pointed pen.

I thought about the rather odd question carefully before speaking.
"Well to be honest I think he's an overrated man, running around in an overpriced Halloween costume. I mean, sure it's greats he's saved lots of people but the police officers do more in my opinion." I said sipping the water Infront of me.

Johnny nodded and smirked a bit whilst writing something down on his stiff printer paper.
He looked back up and me and let out a sigh.
"Okay, how do you feel about The Joker?" He said and tapped his foot on the ground.
I took in this also very odd question and thought before speaking once again,

"I feel as if he's a very mysterious, and understood person. I know he murders, but the people he murders most of the time kind of deserve it. I feel as if he was once troubled, I feel like he's had it rough and this is him now, which I totally respect. I feel like he's unappreciated, I mean lets just think about his wit and his genius. I feel like he has a story, he is a mystery." I said staring off into space.

Truth is, I could talk about the man for hours not even knowing him personally.
I looked at Johnny to see him with a rather flabbergasted appearance.
He put the paper away and stood up.
"You've got the job." He said motioning me to follow him.

"B-But Mr.Frost, I don't even know what this job is!" I said frantically following him.
He stopped right outside of the cafe and turned to talk to me.
"You will go through training, and then you will learn the rules, and you will be a classically trained 'goon' working for the the mystery himself, The Joker." He said clearing his throat.

I stopped in my tracks and took in what this man had just said to me. And I'm all in. I'm doing this.
"Okay I'm in." I said confidently. I have no life outside of this anyways, and if I'm making money, who cares what the job is.
"First rule of becoming a goon is never talk about becoming or being a goon." Johnny said helping me into a black car.

I have a feeling this is gonna be fun. Maybe.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2017 ⏰

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