Chapter 24: Lady Thor

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Aphmau's POV (Just for clarification.)

You know that feeling you get when you're dreaming then all of a sudden you jerk awake and it feels like you're falling? That's exactly how I felt when I was reunited with my trusty hammer.

When the energy beam hit me, everything went black. To be honest, I don't know what happened after that, but the next time I opened my eyes, I jerked so hard that lighting flew off of me, disintegrating every alien within a fifteen-foot radius of me. Power coursed through my veins, bringing me not only a new strength but also a new purpose.

I quickly realized what had happened. I had proven myself worthy to Mjolnir. I smiled, noticing I was in full Asgardian battle armor, similar to that of my father's.

The remaining sgom surrounded me, snarling viciously. They probably weren't too happy I just killed dozens of their kind. But did I care? Not one bit.

Directly in front of me was a particularly ugly sgom: its long arms were dragging on the floor; its jaw hung out so several jagged teeth stuck out; finally, instead of the regular silvery shine it had a duller gray color. Apparently, this sgom wasn't bright either, for he was the first one to charge into battle.

With a confident smirk, I swung Mjolnir at the sgom and as soon as it made contact with the aliens head, the alien went flying back crashing into several of its brethren. The crowd of sgom began hissing and screeching at me, angry at my arrival.

My guess is they could sense my godly presence and knew that they had made a very powerful enemy. That or they were jealous of my beauty.

"J-Jess!" a familiar voice above me shouted. I looked up to see Sly flying down to meet me. "I thought you had died!"

"Surprise...?" I chuckled weakly. Sly pulled me into a bone-crushing hug. Suddenly, the alien's began closing in, apparently over their fear. Sly pulled away and chuckled before firing his a beam from his hands. The aliens disintegrated under the beam. Sly had only hit a few, maybe seven or eight, but the rest scattered.

"Where are the others?" I suddenly asked, unable to contain my concern.

"Alex flew off with the girl to get her to a rescue camp, but the other's comms have gone silent. It's probably from all the alien technology in the atmosphere. It's interfering with Earth's natural electromagnetic energy field," Sly answered, lightly checking his suit. Okay, that'd be a problem, but then I thought back to my conversation with my dad. We had the upper hand; I knew their weakness.

"Uh, okay. Try to find Castor. He'll be able to find everyone. Tell them to meet at the park. I have a plan!" I shouted. Sly nodded before blasting off. (We're blasting off again...!) I too, then leaped into the air, my powers kicking in, and I flew. It was the best feeling in the world.

The wind rippled through my hair. Below me, the ground grew farther and farther away. This was definitely where I belonged.

I flew towards the park as fast as I could. From this distance, I could see a few figures already standing in the park. Beneath me, a purple blur zig-zagged through the streets.

"Jess! Sly told us what happened! Are you okay?" Steven asked as I landed.

"I'm fine, really, but we need to end this now. Luckily, I know how," I said. We waited for a while for everyone else. When Jose arrived, I began to describe my plan.

"Sorry Alex, but we need to block out the sun," I stated bluntly.

"What!" Alex protested.

"I'm sorry, but the aliens draw power from the sun. Each minute they grow stronger and stronger. Soon, they'll be invincible. If we block out the sun then they'll be weakened. Once they're at their weakened stage, they'll look for a leader of power. One of once will take control, and then tell them to leave."

The others agreed, even Alex, though he was a bit reluctant. I gave a couple more orders and everyone split off to do their thing. As for me? I was about to summon the world's largest lightning storm.

I flew into the air as high as I could. The entire city and neighborhood spread out underneath me. The wind roared in my ears, making it difficult to concentrate, but somehow I managed. I raised Mjolnir to the sky, letting everything else fall into place.

My hammer began to hum with energy, sparks flying off. Dark gray clouds swirled into existence above me. They grew larger and larger every second, darkening the world below. Thunder rumbled somewhere inside the huge cloud. As the cloud spread over the entire city, all this effort was taking a toll on me: beads of sweat popped up on my face, my hands were shaking with the energy of making a storm this big, and my right arm, the one holding Mjolnir, tingled with pain.

But eventually, I did it.

Dark clouds stretched for miles around, the city below completely pitch black except for the glow of the sgom and the Few.

Quickly, I jerked my hammer out of the sky, exhausted. I floated to the ground, extremely dazed. Man, I need to work out more.

"Jess! We did what you asked! All the aliens are at the park, and they're not attacking," Jose said, running up to me as I landed. I paused for a second to catch my breath, but responded, "Have they chosen a new leader?"

"Uh, about that," Jose rubbed the back of his neck.

"What happened?"

"It's best you see yourself," Jose sighed. Following Jose, we made our way to the park which was glowing brightly for the dozens of sgom. As we approached, I saw that the alien's normal silvery glow was now a pale gray, and most of them slouched terribly. I did notice that most of all of them were facing towards the park's center.

"What's going on...?" I whispered. Jose didn't answer my question and just asked that I take us to the fountain. I nodded, wrapped my arm around Jose's, and gently pushed off into the air. I flew just high enough where Jose's toes were inches above the alien's. Ahead of me, I could see the fountain.

Sitting on the edge was Alex. He was pale and sweating, but looked fine. Pbat and Katz were trying to get him to drink some water. Sly and Castor were tending to each other's wounds while Kala was sleeping.

Although, I barely noticed that. What really caught my attention, was Steven standing in front of the alien crowd, looking very confused.

"Don't tell me..." I groaned.

"Yup, Steven is now the new leader of the aliens."

That wasn't necessarily the bad part, but Steven had a history of turning... evil... and right now, I could see that horribly familiar look in his eyes.


Oh. My. Goodness. I am SO sorry this took so long! Things just kind of snowballed after I posted the last chapter, and I got super busy! I promise that I'll get the next chapter out by Sunday. Please forgive me!


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