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"He's definitely up to something!"I yelled

"Miia that's enough thto master's constantly by his side because you broke his wheelchair"Cerea sighed "He's not the only one who likes fairy tails"I murmured


"In Fairy tails prince always rescues the princess and then they live happily ever after so it was kinda my dream to be able to carry or be carried by my princess my very own princess..."I sighed
"But my darling is carrying that merman instead"I pouted "Damn him seducing him with a loin clothe!"I yelled to myself

"Why don't you wear one too?"Cerea suggested my eyes widened a little

*Kimihito's P.O.V*

"You really don't have a boyfriend?"Mero asked with a surprised tone

"No I don't why do you care so much?"I asked folding my legs together as Mero dipped his tail in the pool

"Because.."just then Mero was interrupted by Miia barging in wearing a dark red loin cloth over his member and a smile on his face

"Excuse me"I blushed a little "Wow this pool is huge I wanted to go for a swim do you mind?"he asked

"Go ahead"Mero smiled Miia slithered behind me and pressed his chest against my arm

"Hey darling swim with me"he begged

"N-No thanks"I mumbled

"Um"Cerea mumbled from behind the door "What are you doing come in"Miia said

"W-Well I..."Cerea whispered

"Don't be shy"Mero encouraged

"V-Very well then"Cerea said walking in with a small blush on his face my eyes trailed down and my fave turned into a freakin tomatoe when I saw that well the loin clothe he was wearing didn't quite fit him

"Why are you trying to seduce him?!"Miia asked annoyed the two started whispering fighting until...

*Miia's P.O.V*

I stopped talking when I saw my Darling being pulled into the pool Mero had a large smirk on his face "Darling!He's shown his true colors"I snapped diving into the water

"Get your hands off my darling!Its to deep"I thought swimming deeper into the water "So cold D-Darling"I whimpered as my mouth opened and my lungs filled with water

"Oh no my body temperature's dropping I can't move never mind saving my darling...I'm D-Darling"I whispered before slipping off into darkness


"Miia!"I heard someone yell as my eyes suddenly opened to see Darling we both got out of the water and I started gasping for air

"Thank you Darling but..."

"Are you alright Miia-Kun?"Mero asked pulling me into a hug "Oh what shall I do?You're so cold allowe me to warm you up with my body heat"he cried

"Huh?"I gasped

"Mero calm down Miia there's still a warm bath you should go take one"Darling smiled as she got out of the pool only to have Suu fall on his head


"Stop it Suu!"Darling complained

"The heater dried him out too so he's looking for water he jumped at me earlier as well"Mero explained

"O-Oh really?"I chuckled

"Go take a bath Miia!"Darling ordered

"May I join you?"Mero asked

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