Valentines Day Breakfast

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I woke up the next morning not being able to move. I looked over to my left and saw Colt next to me with his shirt off. I looked and his arms were wrapped around me. I started thinking the worse. I tried to wake him up Colt? Colt...Wake up. I said shaking him. He just mumbled in his sleep. I rolled my eyes and shook him again. Colt, Colt wake up. Nothing. I did something I knew would wake him up. I started kissing his neck and his eyes slowly opened. I smirked and looked at him. What are you doing? he asked laughing. I laughed. Trying to wake you up, and it worked. I said with a smirk. Why, you alright? he asked rubbing his eyes. Colt...Did we..You know? I asked looking at him. He smirked and I started thinking the worse. He got serious. No Miranda, we didn't have sex. he said laughing. I sighed in relief. He laughed. It was a fun night last night though. I thought about it.

~Flash Back~ I woke up yesterday morning to the smell of breakfast being made. I got out of bed and followed the smell into the kitchen and smirked when I saw Colt cooking. Woah, Mr. Cabana can do anything. I said laughing and sitting on the counter. He looked at me and laughed. Just about everything. he said trying to flip the pancakes. I laughed at him and grabbed his hand and the spatula and helped him flip it. He looked at our hands then at me. I pulled away and blushed. He laughed and went to check on the other food. I thought about it...Could I be falling for Colt Cabana? No, I couldn't be. I shook the thought from my brain as he came back and started setting the table. You know, I can help with some of this stuff. I said laughing. Yeah I know, but today is a special day and as long as I'm here you're not gonna lift a finger. he said setting the rest of the table. You're to good of a guy Colt, I'm surprised you don't have a girlfriend. I said looking at him. He laughed. Sweetie, chicks can't handle this sexy beast. I rolled my eyes and laughed. Yeah okay. I said with a smirk. He laughed and went to preparing the food. I don't know, I guess I'm just waiting for that right girl to come around. he said putting food on the plates. I knew what he meant and I smiled. I hopped off the counter and walked to the table and sat across from him. I looked at what he made; Heart shaped pancakes with whipped cream and strawberries on too, bacon, eggs, sausage, and chocolate chip muffins. I smiled at all of it. So, how did I do? he asked looking at me. So far, you're doing good Mr. Cabana but this is only the beginning of the day. Can't wait to see what else you have planned. I said smiling at him. He laughed. Well, eat up. We have a long day ahead of us. he said starting to eat these food.

Sorry guys, but most of the updates today are gonna be written in flashbacks. Sorry I didn't upload them yesterday, I been sick these past few weeks and I'm not getting that much better. I was gonna update last night but I got a really bad migraine so I just went straight to bed. I'll have at least 2 or 3 more updates today. Be looking out for em, Have a wonderful Saturday guys! :)

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